It's easy nevertheless, David. You have full control over your own website and you should be able to find the postings under my name and take it from there.
I have to say that, after all this time, I don't actually recall the post(s) either. I just remember seeing them on your site, but you have a possibility to prove me wrong. If I am wrong, which I don't think I am, I will gladly admit so and apologize. It's in your hands[.]
Which is why I provided this
"Weidmann" search link in my last post. (And you've got to hit "Next Posts" at the bottom of that page to see all of the posts that contain the name "Weidmann". And maybe one or two more "pages" beyond that too.) I thought the post might ring a bell with you if you saw it. It's certainly not going to ring any "bell" with me. And, as I said, there's no longer any possible way to cross-check my site's archives with old posts from this forum, because the pre-2018 threads are now lost forever due to the hacking episode last year.
* So it will be impossible for me to "prove you wrong" (although wrong you may very well be in this particular instance).
* Which is one reason why my pre-2018 posts archived at my site are more valuable now, because it's probably the only place on the Web where those discussions (or partial discussions, at least) that started out at this forum can now be found. (No need to thank me for this valuable online forum-archiving service. I've been happy to do it.)