Lawson testified that, ".......I also noticed RIGHT AFTER the reports an agent STANDING UP with an automatic weapon in his hand....". He did Not say he saw an Agent rising or getting up inside the Queen Mary.
Like to know what you think "right after" means. Instantly? One second? Four or five seconds?
In order for anyone to see Hickey with, "the rifle in his hands at the Moment of the fatal shot", that person would have to be looking Directly at the Queen Mary when the Kill Shot was fired.
Well, if you could find someone who noticed Hickey go to the floor (which is where you have the AR-15) in the 5.5 sec between Z213 (the last Z-frame his head is in) and Z313, that would be a start. But remember, during the 2.3 sec between Z213 and Z255 (the Altgens photo), Hickey has to go to the floor, grab the rifle, pop back up and turn his head towards the rear.
If not then, Hickey has to do the same (except instead of turning his head backward, he'll be turning it forward) in the 3.2 sec between the Altgens photo and the head shot. And he has turn off the safety, stand up and lose his balance.
If you know of Any Eyewitness that did this please provide that information.
I know of absolutely none. But by Mike Carney's count, there are eleven:
"Howard Donohue went through the Warren Report and found eleven witnesses
that put the AR15 in Agent Hickeys hand at the time of the third shot. Of the
eleven witnesses, seven are Secret Service agents."