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Author Topic: Did Hickey Fire the Fatal Shot - Originally Posted by Tom Dooley  (Read 21973 times)

Offline Michael Carney

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Re: Did Hickey Fire the Fatal Shot - Originally Posted by Tom Dooley
« Reply #40 on: September 01, 2019, 09:22:43 PM »
“Same deal. Essentially a hard tissue stimulant.”
That doesn’t make any sense to me. Bullets are made to kill and a head shot is the best way to do it.
"According to tests done by Lattimer firing Carcano bullets, "the lead core and the gliding metal jacket separated on contact with the skull." "The broken bullet scattered dozens of tiny fragments of lead along the track of the bullet from back to front through the brain."

See: "Differences in the Wounding Behavior of the Two Bullets that Struck President Kennedy; An Experimental Study" (Wound Ballistics Review, 1996 Link )”
I could not find the article and your link brought up one of your pictures. What did he say about the copper jacket? Anyway you could email me the links, for some reason they aren’t working for me on here. Links to MFF, and Differences in wounding behavior…..

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did Hickey Fire the Fatal Shot - Originally Posted by Tom Dooley
« Reply #40 on: September 01, 2019, 09:22:43 PM »

Offline Michael Carney

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Re: Did Hickey Fire the Fatal Shot - Originally Posted by Tom Dooley
« Reply #41 on: September 01, 2019, 09:28:23 PM »
 Hickey was standing up so it wouldn’t be like the muzzle was next to anyone’s ear. I don’t remember an M16 being very loud but then that was 50 years ago. And there was only one shot. They were looking outside the limo for a shooter so it would be easy enough not to know where the shot originated from.

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Did Hickey Fire the Fatal Shot - Originally Posted by Tom Dooley
« Reply #42 on: September 02, 2019, 04:21:17 AM »
Hickey was standing up so it wouldn’t be like the muzzle was next to anyone’s ear. I don’t remember an M16 being very loud but then that was 50 years ago. And there was only one shot. They were looking outside the limo for a shooter so it would be easy enough not to know where the shot originated from.

LOL. Get real. They were in the same car. It would be easy enough to hear a muzzle blast from a high powered rifle from 2-3 feet away. The AR15 is rated at db167

Tom Neal/EF

'I believe the 130 db and the statement that no one had ANY difficulty determining the origin of the test-shots came from Don Thomas' book which I mentioned in an earlier post on the "Paraffin" thread. I no longer have the book so I can't verify this.

The 120 db threshold of pain that you cited came from a study I was part of, which was used to require ear protection be provided for the ramp workers at major airports serving large jets. It did NOT endear us to management, but interestingly enough we received letters of commendation from the USAF and Air National Guard. The accepted criteria at the time was the range of 120-140db was the danger zone with hearing protection required above 140 and "suggested" above 120. As you stated, 140 db is one hell of a lot louder that 120."
« Last Edit: September 02, 2019, 04:22:06 AM by Bill Chapman »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did Hickey Fire the Fatal Shot - Originally Posted by Tom Dooley
« Reply #42 on: September 02, 2019, 04:21:17 AM »

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: Did Hickey Fire the Fatal Shot - Originally Posted by Tom Dooley
« Reply #43 on: September 02, 2019, 05:36:19 PM »
Going back to the scene of the crime, one of the first reporters reported that their was a "single shot followed by 2 shots in short succession".  If he was right,  there was an interlude and not possible for 3 shots to come from a bolt action rifle which would need even spacing to allow for reloading.  Was his initial reporting to the anchor wrong?  He certainly did not describe 3 evenly spaced shots!

If you were downwind of the shot, you could smell gunpowder if it came from the front of the car, not vice versa.  The "man" rolling and tumbling across the grass while no one else reacts certainly is a red flag/herring as he appears to have momentum with his movement.    Was this really Malcom Summers who was first interviewed in 1988? The man closest to the assassination?  He had changed stories so much!  Why no statement 25 years earlier?   As well,  AP cameraman Altgens can't seem to pull the trigger on his camera.  It would be interesting to see his film to see if there was a missing frame in the negatives!    The President's car started to speed up after the SS agent jumps on the back after trotting up from the backup car - very slow movement of vehicles in order to facilitate that move that can't be made up!  Why was that?

There were 2 light anomalies present on the windshield in the Zapruder Film which could have been created by shattered glass.   Again, the second prime witness sitting beside JFK that counted the most and watched the whole gruesome event never produced a statement for the investigation.   This tells me that there is present an obstruction of justice and a massive coverup.  Some at the hospital seemed to think there was a gunshot hole in the windshield as well.   No one allowed near the car.   The body of JFK whisked away at gunpoint defying Texas state law!  Statements were made to cover the fact that some suspected a hole in the windshield.  It was almost as if it was an after the fact paper move to cover up a rumor that was started!  That is was there to tie up loose ends!

Certainly most witnesses thought the shots came from the grassy knoll as that was the initial stampede direction and where everyone was initially looking.  Surely all these people didn't think the shots came from the TSBD building when they ran in that direction to see who fired the shots.  Logic dictates there was sound emanating from the forward direction of the car.

Having a lack of investigation of the car at the time and having it whisked away back to Washington without any police investigation there, certainly raises another red flag.   The only thing known later was that the windshield was changed and those reports were documented after the car was detained in a controlled environment.  Just a fragment of a fragmented bullet wipes out the windshield?  That should be recreated!   

Another red flag was the magic bullet.  As the document pointed out by Jerry Organ from, they could never duplicate a larger entrance wound than exit with Connally's wrist.  Was it merely the angle of entrance versus angle of exit?  A lack of answers to fundamental questions fuels the CTers and rightly so!


Offline Michael Carney

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Re: Did Hickey Fire the Fatal Shot - Originally Posted by Tom Dooley
« Reply #44 on: September 03, 2019, 03:15:50 PM »
JO, thanks for the two reports, I was able to read both of them.

JFK’s skull pieces flew 10-12 ft but in their experiments they went 30-40 ft, something is wrong with that.

They found the two large bullet fragments in the front of the limo while his skull pieces blasted 10-12 ft in the air to the right. Something doesn’t sound right with the physics. Sounds like the two large bullet fragments were planted for some reason.

Why didn’t the tests by Lattimer find any copper fragments in the brain cavity?

Why no mention of the diameter of the head entry wound in either reports.

I wonder if they weighed all the fragments, seems to be a lot of small bullet fragments and large two frags. I would have weighed them to make sure I didn’t have more than one bullet.

I don’t think you can say McLaren’s melon test is misleading when Lattimer references Dr Luis Alvarez’s melon experiment. In the case of McLaren he wanted to see the difference between what a jacketed bullet and a frangible bullet was. Alvarez was using the melon experiment to show why JFK’s head reacted from a bullet from the rear the way it did.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did Hickey Fire the Fatal Shot - Originally Posted by Tom Dooley
« Reply #44 on: September 03, 2019, 03:15:50 PM »

Offline Michael Carney

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Re: Did Hickey Fire the Fatal Shot - Originally Posted by Tom Dooley
« Reply #45 on: September 03, 2019, 03:21:22 PM »
A gun with a flash suppressor on it deadens a lot of the sound also. So the difference between a muzzle blast and the crack of a bullet overhead may be perceived as the same thing under the circumstances. Just guessing.

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Did Hickey Fire the Fatal Shot - Originally Posted by Tom Dooley
« Reply #46 on: September 03, 2019, 04:51:17 PM »
Like to know what you think "right after" means. Instantly? One second? Four or five seconds?

Well, if you could find someone who noticed Hickey go to the floor (which is where you have the AR-15) in the 5.5 sec between Z213 (the last Z-frame his head is in) and Z313, that would be a start. But remember, during the 2.3 sec between Z213 and Z255 (the Altgens photo), Hickey has to go to the floor, grab the rifle, pop back up and turn his head towards the rear.

If not then, Hickey has to do the same (except instead of turning his head backward, he'll be turning it forward) in the 3.2 sec between the Altgens photo and the head shot. And he has turn off the safety, stand up and lose his balance.

I know of absolutely none. But by Mike Carney's count, there are eleven:

    "Howard Donohue went through the Warren Report and found eleven witnesses
     that put the AR15 in Agent Hickeys hand at the time of the third shot. Of the
     eleven witnesses, seven are Secret Service agents."

    I continue to Stress: (1) SA Hickey's HIGHLY ELEVATED seated position inside the Queen Mary, (2) SA Hickey's Head when Seated was HIGHER than the Top of the Queen Mary windshield, and (3) The Queen Mary being situated HIGHER than the JFK Limo due to Elm St running Down Hill.  SA Hickey did NOT need to Stand Straight Up/Erect in order to allegedly fire a shot from the Queen Mary and hit JFK's Head.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2019, 05:13:48 PM by Royell Storing »

Offline Michael Carney

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Re: Did Hickey Fire the Fatal Shot - Originally Posted by Tom Dooley
« Reply #47 on: September 03, 2019, 11:44:44 PM »

    "Howard Donohue went through the Warren Report and found eleven witnesses
     that put the AR15 in Agent Hickeys hand at the time of the third shot. Of the
     eleven witnesses, seven are Secret Service agents."

I got this out of "JFK - The Smoking Gun" by Colin McLaren", it's an hour and twenty minutes long and it's $3 to watch it on youtube. I suggest everyone watch it and then let's continue talking. It shows the extent that the Secret Service went to to cover it up and there's only one reason they would have to cover it up.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did Hickey Fire the Fatal Shot - Originally Posted by Tom Dooley
« Reply #47 on: September 03, 2019, 11:44:44 PM »