...within a week will be fulfilled - recreated now as a National Historic Landmark.
This space junkie visited Space City Museum in Clear Lake City south of Houston last month. I took the special tram side-tour to Mission Control (now the Christopher C. Kraft Jr. Mission Control Center) where Apollo and other missions were managed. We climbed the 87 steps to reach the visitor's viewing room behind the operations area. I was happy there were not 90 steps!
The abandoned control room came under great disrepair over the years. It took several years with much research, effort and money returning the control and viewing rooms to near pristine condition. The consoles, TV and large screens displays, as well as authentic staplers, coffee mugs, percolator, ashtrays (without the butts), manuals and binders, paint, carpet style and so on are frozen at the moment of Neil Armstrong's first historic step. The realism is a requirement to qualify as a National Historic Landmark, IIRC. A major contributor to restoring the consoles to their prior glory came from the Hutchinson, Kansas Cosmosphere museum's restoration staff.
A great visit for the entire Space City museum all in all, but be sure to remember where you parked.
