For goodness sake, don't play coy here, Martin. Even as late as 11/27, the newspapers were reporting him turning almost completely around to take the shot in the temple. That day, the doctors were saying a shot in the temple. The cops were sending officers up to the overpass, then to the TSBD. But they still didn't know what happened. Even at the autopsy they couldn't figure out the direction of the shots. Only when the lawyers got a hold of things did they start formulating the official story, that Oswald alone acted and fired the shots from behind.
So tell us here - how would they have known what parts of the body to alter before the official autopsy happened when they didn't even know or have the full details yet? You seem to think that the bevy of doctors with scalpels at the ready would magically be able to cut into the head to "alter" things. It's a dumb theory, Martin.
There were plenty of Kennedy loyalists on the plane that day, Martin, who would have started a fight to have allowed some evil conspirator to open up the casket and throw it down into the cargo hold. And by the way, Martin, who was that evil conspirator on the plane who took the body out? Who, Martin? You say Dave's theory is problematic - it's even worst than that. It's ridiculous because it's a flight of fancy and never happened.

I advise you to read these links:
For goodness sake, don't play coy here, Martin. Am I?
Even as late as 11/27, the newspapers were reporting him turning almost completely around to take the shot in the temple. That day, the doctors were saying a shot in the temple. The cops were sending officers up to the overpass, then to the TSBD. But they still didn't know what happened. Who are "they"?
Even at the autopsy they couldn't figure out the direction of the shots. Really? I seem to recall autopsy photos of a bullet hole in Kennedy's back and head? The only thing they missed was the throat wound, which the doctors in Dallas said it was a wound of entry but the autopsy doctors nevertheless concluded that it was an exit wound. And they made that determination based on a phone call and an assumption rather than a proper examination. Go figure....
Only when the lawyers got a hold of things did they start formulating the official story, that Oswald alone acted and fired the shots from behind. What lawyers and what "things" did they get hold of? Be precise!
So tell us here - how would they have known what parts of the body to alter before the official autopsy happened when they didn't even know or have the full details yet? You keep saying that, but you really need to explain what "full details" were missing. An autopsy doctor doesn't need to know about the crime scene and the location(s) of victim(s) and shooter(s). All an autopsy doctor needs to do is examine the body and determine where the shots came from. An autopsy doctor is not a crime scene investigator. If - and this is hypothetical - the instruction was that the wounds on the body had to reflect shots from the back, the doctors would have had all the information they needed.
You seem to think that the bevy of doctors with scalpels at the ready would magically be able to cut into the head to "alter" things. It's a dumb theory, Martin. It's also a theory that lives in your head only. I never said anything of the kind, so why don't you stop making assumptions and provide some facts instead.
There were plenty of Kennedy loyalists on the plane that day, Martin, who would have started a fight to have allowed some evil conspirator to open up the casket and throw it down into the cargo hold. And by the way, Martin, who was that evil conspirator on the plane who took the body out? Who, Martin? All you seem to be able to do is ask questions to which I couldn't possibly have the answers. At the same time you seem also unable to provide an answer to my question about the HSCA testimony of Paul O'Connor, Jerrol Custer and others. Why is that? Is it easier to dismiss the theory about what could have happened on the plane and ignore the rest? Is that it?
You say Dave's theory is problematic - it's even worst than that. It's ridiculous because it's a flight of fancy and never happened.Let's get one thing straight; You were not there and don't have a clue about what happened or not! All you've got is an opinion. Now, that's fine, but when you voice that opinion and present it as fact you should really try to make it more persuasive by - for instance - also explaining how and why Kennedy's body ended up in a body bag and in a shipping casket.
Now, before I confuse you any further. I do indeed consider Lifton's theory about a body snatch on the plane somewhat problematic and it may well be that it never happened. But if that's true, there needs to be another explanantion for how Kennedy's body could leave Dallas in a ornamental casket and arrive at Bethesda in a grey shipping casket. So, what happened there?
I advise you to read these links:
Thanks for the advise. Now why don't you tell me what you have taken away from Pat Speer's writings?