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Author Topic: The "Domino Room Alibi"  (Read 96809 times)

Offline Gary Craig

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Re: The "Domino Room Alibi"
« Reply #184 on: September 19, 2019, 01:01:03 PM »
Mr. Williams. It was after I had left the sixth floor., after I had eaten the Chicken sandwich. I finished the chicken
sandwich maybe 10 or 15 minutes after 12. I could say approximately what time it was.

Mr. Ball. Approximately what time was it?

Mr. Williams. Approximately 12:20, maybe.

Witnesses saw armed men in the window of the SN and on the west end windows at about this time. Which is about the time
JFK's motorcade was supposed to have gone by the TSBD. It was late. Where was Oswald?

90 seconds after the last shot he was seen in 2nd floor lunchroom by Baker and Truly. Yet photos taken by Dillard
(30 sec. after last shot) and Powell (App. 2 minutes after the last shot) show someone was moving boxes in the SN.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The "Domino Room Alibi"
« Reply #184 on: September 19, 2019, 01:01:03 PM »

Offline Denis Pointing

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Re: The "Domino Room Alibi"
« Reply #185 on: September 19, 2019, 01:43:26 PM »
I'm assuming, I admit I don't know it's a fact, that a live radio broadcast would have been covering the progress of the motorcade since Lovefield. If so, everybody would have known the motorcade was running late and it's exact whereabouts at any given time.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: The "Domino Room Alibi"
« Reply #186 on: September 19, 2019, 02:19:28 PM »
Was there a radio at the TSDB?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The "Domino Room Alibi"
« Reply #186 on: September 19, 2019, 02:19:28 PM »

Offline Colin Crow

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Re: The "Domino Room Alibi"
« Reply #187 on: September 19, 2019, 03:36:47 PM »
I'm assuming, I admit I don't know it's a fact, that a live radio broadcast would have been covering the progress of the motorcade since Lovefield. If so, everybody would have known the motorcade was running late and it's exact whereabouts at any given time.

From memory Mrs Reid had a phone conversation with her husband and he told her the motorcade was running late. He heard it on the radio.

I believe one of the workers (Frazier?) asked Shelley if the workers could break a few minutes early to watch the motorcade. The "elevator race" was before noon, the normal scheduled time for lunch. It seems consistent with them thinking the motorcade would pass shortly after noon.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The "Domino Room Alibi"
« Reply #188 on: September 19, 2019, 03:59:23 PM »
Mr. Williams. It was after I had left the sixth floor., after I had eaten the Chicken sandwich. I finished the chicken
sandwich maybe 10 or 15 minutes after 12. I could say approximately what time it was.

Mr. Ball. Approximately what time was it?

Mr. Williams. Approximately 12:20, maybe.

Witnesses saw armed men in the window of the SN and on the west end windows at about this time. Which is about the time
JFK's motorcade was supposed to have gone by the TSBD. It was late. Where was Oswald?

90 seconds after the last shot he was seen in 2nd floor lunchroom by Baker and Truly. Yet photos taken by Dillard
(30 sec. after last shot) and Powell (App. 2 minutes after the last shot) show someone was moving boxes in the SN.

photos taken by Dillard (30 sec. after last shot) and Powell (App. 2 minutes after the last shot) show someone was moving boxes in the SN.

Gary...Is it reasonable that If the shots had been fired from that SE corner window that the sniper would linger and move boxes around ???

I agree that the boxes are in different orientation when comparing Dillard with Powell....  However the boxes were NOT moved AFTER the shots were fired...

The liars reversed the chronology of the Dillard and Powell photos....  Powell took his photo BEFORE the murder....   And his photo was intended to be a lucky happenstance by a spectator who just happened to catch the sniper ( the patsy Lee Oswald)  in the act of withdrawing his rifle after he fired the shots.

But since Tom Dillard took a couple of photos immediately DURING the shooting ( or just a couple of seconds after the shots were fired, and most certainly NOT 30 seconds after the shots)  The conspirators could not allow the public to see Powell's photo and compare it with Dillard's  because some sharp eyed individual would have compared the photos and noticed that the Powell photo was taken BEFORE the Dillard photos....  And the fat would have been in the fire.

The reason the boxes are oriented differently in the Dillard photo ( compared to Powell) is because whoever was up there in the SE corner window with a rifle withdrew the rifle hastily and bumped the boxes AFTER Powell had snapped the photo....  Then When Dillard took his photos the box naturally was not sitting in the same place as it was when Powell snapped his photo.

PS....There definitely was a man with a rifle on the sixth floor at about 12:25 / 12:30 .... Howard Brennan saw him and described him and the rifle......
« Last Edit: September 19, 2019, 04:04:48 PM by Walt Cakebread »

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Re: The "Domino Room Alibi"
« Reply #188 on: September 19, 2019, 03:59:23 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The "Domino Room Alibi"
« Reply #189 on: September 19, 2019, 06:48:16 PM »
Mr. Williams. It was after I had left the sixth floor., after I had eaten the Chicken sandwich. I finished the chicken
sandwich maybe 10 or 15 minutes after 12. I could say approximately what time it was.

Mr. Ball. Approximately what time was it?

Mr. Williams. Approximately 12:20, maybe.

Witnesses saw armed men in the window of the SN and on the west end windows at about this time. Which is about the time
JFK's motorcade was supposed to have gone by the TSBD. It was late. Where was Oswald?

90 seconds after the last shot he was seen in 2nd floor lunchroom by Baker and Truly. Yet photos taken by Dillard
(30 sec. after last shot) and Powell (App. 2 minutes after the last shot) show someone was moving boxes in the SN.

90 seconds after the last shot he was seen in 2nd floor lunchroom by Baker and Truly. Yet photos taken by Dillard
(30 sec. after last shot) and Powell (App. 2 minutes after the last shot) show someone was moving boxes in the SN.

Let's examine the chronology....Dillard supposedly snapped his photo about 30 seconds after the last shot was fired...

The Warren Commission said that Lee Oswald was seen in the second floor lunchroom by DPD officer Marrion Baker less that 90 seconds after the shooting .

The boxes were allegedly moved sometime AFTER Tom Dillard snapped the photo which they said was taken 30 seconds after the shooting....So if LHO was the shooter and he was moving boxes around, then he couldn't have departed for the lunchroom immediately after the shooting and he would have had less than 60 seconds to reach the lunchroom ahead of Baker and Truly...  And that would have been impossible!

I believe that Powell took the first photo a few minutes before the shooting....and the man with the rifle bumped the light weight Rolling Readers box and displaced it AFTER Powell had snapped his photo....Then a few minutes later when Dillard took his photo the box was not in the same position as it had been when Powell snapped shutter.   

Offline Peter Kleinschmidt

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Re: The "Domino Room Alibi"
« Reply #190 on: September 19, 2019, 11:44:11 PM »
As I said earlier, the total time to do all that would have probably been less than 3 minutes. Maybe even less than that if Oswald moved at a good rapid pace. But, just like with LHO's trip from the 6th floor to the lunchroom after the shooting, to hear a CTer tell it, such a simple journey from the sixth floor to the first floor and back was Mission Impossible.
You are right, Oswald was so fast that the human eye could not see him from the time in the Domino room to the time Baker sees him. He was so fast no one else ever saw him, I mean, so fast that his feet never touched the ground to make noise to be heard.  Or did he have this special power? After all, the TV show debut was the very next year. Connection? Watch very closely, this very cool

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: The "Domino Room Alibi"
« Reply #191 on: September 19, 2019, 11:51:44 PM »
Sorry for the delay, Martin....

There are numerous possibilities here:

1. Oswald could have just simply guessed (correctly) when he said to Fritz he had seen Jarman & Norman on the 1st floor. After all, we know for a fact that both Jarman and Norman DID see (and talk to) Oswald a little earlier in the morning on the first floor. So Lee knew that both men did come to work that day. And there weren't THAT many warehouse workers to choose from (via a "wild guess" scenario). And maybe Oswald had seen Jarman & Norman together on previous days and assumed they hung out together. ~shrug~

2. Oswald could have actually been in the Domino Room shortly before 12:30 and could have physically seen J&N. (I don't think this is the correct solution, but I can't entirely discount it either.)

And how about this possibility....

3. I'm wondering if it's just remotely possible (due to the open windows on both the 5th and 6th floors) that Oswald could have leaned out of his SN window, looked down toward the fifth floor, and caught a glimpse of Jarman & Norman leaning out of their respective windows below him? (Granted, this is probably not a likely solution---especially since Oswald would not likely want to "advertise" his presence in the Sniper's Nest by leaning out of his window---but can it be ruled out entirely?) ~additional shrug~

More food for thought anyway.

1.Oswald could have just simply guessed (correctly) when he said to Fritz he had seen Jarman & Norman on the 1st floor. After all, we know for a fact that both Jarman and Norman DID see (and talk to) Oswald a little earlier in the morning on the first floor. So Lee knew that both men did come to work that day. And there weren't THAT many warehouse workers to choose from (via a "wild guess" scenario). And maybe Oswald had seen Jarman & Norman together on previous days and assumed they hung out together. ~shrug~

Yes, I suppose Oswald could have simply guessed, but it wasn't a matter of just saying he had seen Jarman and Norman on the first floor. If he intended to establish an alibi, his guess would have had to have been far more precise than that. To give such a guess any credibility, the scope would have to have been far more narrow, as seeing Jarman and Norman on the first floor at any time other than minutes prior to the shots would not have been much of an alibi at all. So, the guess would have to include the correct persons seen at the correct location and at the correct time..... that would be some guess, right?

2.Oswald could have actually been in the Domino Room shortly before 12:30 and could have physically seen J&N. (I don't think this is the correct solution, but I can't entirely discount it either.)

This seems the most logical and likely scenario for me. It doesn't make sense for Oswald to try to establish some sort of alibi by telling his interrogators a story which could easily be dismissed, if not true. Oswald clearly intended to place himself at a location which he had seen Norman and Jarman pass by just minutes prior to the shots. That, IMO, was the intended alibi instead of that Norman and/or Jarman had seen him. All the latter two really needed to be asked was if they passed by the Domino room minutes prior to the shots. No need for them to see Oswald, just confirmation that they were there where Oswald said he saw them would have sufficed.

Unfortunately Jarman and Normad were (IMO) asked the wrong questions about having eaten lunch with Oswald or even seeing him.

Having said this, I would be interested in why you feel this is not the correct solution, David?
« Last Edit: September 20, 2019, 12:20:53 AM by Martin Weidmann »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The "Domino Room Alibi"
« Reply #191 on: September 19, 2019, 11:51:44 PM »