That same grandstanding was also done by Gerald Ford years before. Starting at the stairway- it was- on your mark, get set, go -without traversing from the alleged sniper's window.. through stacks of boxes..wiping off and hiding a supposed rifle...then descending with reckless abandon ...but not proceeding to the Coke machine ....purchasing a soda...and then assuming the posture of complete at ease.
Instead of confirming the Oswald did it dispelled it.
If the Warren Commission had "re-enacted the imaginary actions of Lee Oswald after the shooting they would have proven that their imaginary scenario was utterly impossible. They knew that...and therefore twisted the facts and did not use accurate data ....
Here's a list of the altered and twisted facts...( in no particular order)
A) They said that the killer ( LHO) departed the SN immediately and dashed to the second floor lunchroom...But their prime witness ( Brennan) told them that the man that he saw STANDING and aiming a hunting rifle out of a window was NOT in any hurry... They simply ignored Brennan...
B) They said that the arch villain Lee Harrvey Osssswald ( Boo... Hiss) Sat on a box and calmly shot the President as he rode by....Brennan told them that the man he saw was STANDING...not sitting. They simply ignore Brennan
C) They examined the clothing that Lee was wearing and found that he had left a tuft of fibers from the DARK colored shirt on the butt of the rifle.... Howard Brennan told them that the man was wearing Light colored khaki clothing..... and Lee didn't even own any light colored khaki clothes... The simply ignored Brennan.
They claimed that Lee Oswald had used a Mannlicher Carcano to shoot JFK...But Howard Brennan told them that the man was aiming a "high powered" rifle which is a term that is synonymous with "hunting rifle''.... Brennan ventured a guess that the rifle that he saw "all of the barrel of" was a 30-30 Winchester.
They ignored his description and decided that it was the carcano that was used.
I could go on and on ......But I've got other things to do right now.