First-day statement from Mr Bill Shelley-------------------------

Pretty clear sequence of events:
1. Is on steps when hears shots
2. Runs out to corner of park, runs into Ms Gloria Calvery
3. Returns to building (no trip down Elm Street and then to railroad yards)
4. Re-enters building.
I tend to agree with those who argue that the Darnell film shows Mr Billy Lovelady still on the steps (yellow arrow), talking with Ms Gloria Calvery, who has just come running back there (orange arrow--note her left hand on the column)-------------------

If, as Mr Shelley's affidavit indicates, he went
back to the building
immediately after his exchange with Ms Calvery, then could this be him in the Darnell film?

There was no one standing there when Pres. Kennedy passed.............

(Bell film)