"Fog drifting down"... 
This is filmed at the Depository front entrance on the afternoon of the assassination.
(1) What is your source documenting the snippet being inside the TSBD on 11/22/63? (2) Do you Know who filmed it? This TSBD Open House mere hours after the assassination seems very strange. It is documented that the TSBD was sealed off with cameramen having to throw their film out of TSBD windows due to Not being able to be readmitted to the building. Plus, the entire TSBD is a Crime Scene. I am interested in Who filmed that snippet as there may be more footage inside that 1st floor and maybe even more footage filmed elsewhere inside the building. Who knows, if this is 11/22/63 footage inside the TSBD, maybe it is Lost Alyea footage? Also, what is your guess for that fog/smoke we are seeing wafting downward?