You Failed to deal with my Point #3. Asking a question "deals" with Nothing. You have been hanging around Mytton too long.
Oh but I am dealing with your Point #3, Mr Storing! You say I haven't proved that that's Mr Oswald behind Mr Lovelady. I draw your attention to the fact that my proof involves the magic 'shadow' down Mr Lovelady, which you seem to accept is not a natural phenomenon.
So we at least agree that Wiegman has been tampered with, yes?
Well then! I have submitted that the only rational explanation for such tampering is that Mr Oswald's presence is being hidden. The second 'Lovelady' head seals that deal.
You disagree? Then it's over to
you to offer an alternative explanation for why Wiegman would have been tampered with in the way demonstrated. As soon as you offer one, we can explore its cogency.
Have you got an alternative explanation for the doctoring of Wiegman or not?