The issue I have with No One seeing Oswald standing on that landing is that the landing is Less than 4 feet deep and the Door is roughly 4 feet Wide. You have a lot of people standing on that Landing in front of the 4 foot wide door with Frazier allegedly standing closest to that TSBD Door/Lobby. These people are PACKED into that limited space in front of the door yet No One has ever said they saw Oswald standing on that landing. Oswald standing in that Very limited space and going unseen does Not fly.
Timing is everything here, Mr Storing.
If Mr Oswald went out for a few minutes awaiting the motorcade's arrival with everyone else, then yes------------it would be odd that no one would have remembered seeing him there.
But he was not one for small talk, and standing around chatting wouldn't have been his thing. I believe he stayed inside, keeping an eye and an ear out, only nipping out just in time to see JFK.
During the time he was out, the attention of everyone----------including of everyone on the landing-----------will have been focused entirely on JFK. As the limousine came down Houston Street, those on the landing will likely have stepped forward as far as they could go. Mr Frazier's height (6'0"-6'1"), however, enabled him to hang back on the landing and see over everyone's head.
The depth of the landing was quite adequate therefore for Mr Oswald to
pull the glass door open,
-------make his way west
behind others on the landing but
in front of Mr Frazier,
-------and take up his position near the edge of the landing.
I don't believe we can find Mr Oswald in the Darnell film---------------he's already gone back into the building's vestibule.