Friends, the trap poor Mr Mytton walked into was to misinterpret my claim that
dark color has been added to the Wiegman film as a claim that
black has been painted directly onto the film.
As he may now be realizing, I never made such a claim, and was careful from the start not to.
Poor Mr Mytton, in short, has been putting
tremendous energy into attacking-----------a strawman!

And, in so doing, he has developed a method--------

--------that helps us confirm what I have been saying all along:
The second head right behind Mr Lovelady's in the Lovelady@UpperElevation frames--------------

---------------is no chimera, no photofilmic quirk. It is attached to a real person who is
still there in the Lovelady@LowerElevation frames!
And his name is
Mr Lee Harvey Oswald, which unacceptable fact explains the
initial conundrum of why on earth a dark shadow would have been added down Mr Lovelady!
Thank you, Mr Mytton!