Larry doesn’t do evidence. He doesn’t even do spaces between words.

Mr Trotter is one of several people here who get
curiously uncomfortable whenever the possibility is explored of Mr Oswald's being out front when JFK passed the building. They would rather we wouldn't ascribe any evidentiary value whatsoever to this little bombshell from Agent Hosty:

Now! How about we forget Prayer (Wo)Man and Mr Oswald and all that for just a moment and instead simply focus on this image:

It has been suggested that
-----------------the dark strip down Mr Lovelady's right side is a natural shadow cast by the western column of the entranceway. The angle of the sun at 12.30 that day, and the meticulous 3D reconstructions of the entranceway by Messrs Stancak and Hackerott,
rule this explanation out.
-----------------the dark strip down Mr Lovelady's right side is in fact due to the angle of his body to the camera. Look at the Wiegman frame above, and the contour of the strip as it meets Mr Lovelady's chest and stomach: this explanation is patently an
anatomical impossibility.
Crucially, the dark strip is down Mr Lovelady's side in
all the Wiegman frames. Even though he moves down on the steps, the dark strip
moves down with him:

What the heck
is this dark strip?
The only two logical explanations I can think of are still------------------
a) a jacket or coat
b) deliberate blacking out of the relevant area in the Wiegman film.
Any other suggestions?