The images of Lt Day parading the rifle around that crowded hallway were due to his taking the rifle to Marina in a separate room. They did Not want her walking around/amidst The Press for obvious reasons. She gave law enforcement the ID on the rifle that evening.
Uh, no she didn't.
Mr. JENNER. Now, I think--let's go ahead--the weapon is brought in.
Mr. MAMANTOV. All right.
Mr. JENNER. It is fully assembled?
Mr. MAMANTOV. It is fully assembled.
Mr. JENNER. It has a telescopic sight on it and the leather sling?
Mr. MAMANTOV. Captain Fritz brought it in and was holding it in his two hands, with two or three fingers, not to touch gun around--in that position (indicating).
Mr. JENNER. Holding it up--holding it like that (indicating)?
Mr. MAMANTOV. More or less--you see--inclined in that position.
Mr. JENNER. Holding it up horizontally or close to the horizontal?
Mr. MAMANTOV. That's correct, and it was brought close enough to her to examine. She was specifically asked if this was the gun she had seen in the past in that blanket. She said, "
I don't know. All guns to me are the same, are a dark brown or black." He asked her again--"This," which was to me very dark or black colored. He said, "Is this what you see?" She said, "No, I don't know. I saw the gun--I saw a gun ;" she said again, "
All guns are the same to me." Then they asked her about a sight on the gun.
Mr. JENNER. S-i-g-h-t [spelling]
Mr. MAMANTOV. Yes; a telescope she said, "
No; I never have seen gun like that in his possession," and she referred back again to the Soviet Union.
Mr. JENNER. What did she say to you--is this a conclusion on your part that she referred back to the Soviet Union
Mr. MAMANTOV. No--no--she said this way.
Mr. JENNER. It isn't a conclusion, if you put the words in her mouth, so you can go ahead.
Mr. MAMANTOV. No, she said the gun which he had in the Soviet Union, she didn't know how to say--she said, "This thing."
Mr. JENNER. The telescopic sight?
Mr. MAMANTOV. The telescopic sight--she pointed to it with her finger.
Mr. JENNER. Excuse me, did she say that the rifle or weapon, whatever it was he had in the Soviet Union--her recollection was it did not have a telescopic sight on it?.
Mr. MAMANTOV. That's correct. She was asked if she had seen this part of the gun which he had in the garage in the blanket--this she said again--she said, "No; I have only seen one part of the gun, which was the end of the gun"--which part they asked her--I think I am calling it----
Mr. JENNER. The stock?
Mr. MAMANTOV. She pointed to the stock---correct--and then she was asked about the gun again and she said, "Dark brown-black."
Mr. JENNER. Still referring to the stock?
Mr. MAMANTOV. Still referring to the stock, and then they asked her for a couple more questions, if she saw this particular gun in his possession. She insisted that to her
all guns are the same and she couldn't distinguish this gun from any other gun that he had in the past.