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Author Topic: Those Front Steps  (Read 169264 times)

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Those Front Steps
« Reply #144 on: October 24, 2019, 10:23:10 PM »
But I'm not IDing Mr Frazier by process of elimination, I'm IDing him by using my eyes:

I suggest you use yours and stop arguing for the sake of being argumentative. You haven't a leg to stand on here, sorry!

As for Mr Frazier's not talking up about Mr Oswald's location just in front of him? It's beyond naive to think great pressure wouldn't have been placed on him to shut up. Stop arguing like a Lone Nutter, Mr Storing, it doesn't become you!

Remember: Mr Oswald himself claimed to have been out front-------------

Refusing to contemplate that this bombshell fact may be related to the magic dark strip down Mr Lovelady's side is the height of silliness...

    Claiming You can actually see Oswald inside that circle is  BS:. As to your claiming Frasier was under all kinds of pressure to LIE about not seeing Oswald on the TSBD steps, I remind You that Frazier is still alive. Who are You claiming Frazier is afraid of 55+ years After the fact? Your being forced to grasp at straws like this is indicative of the weakness of your theory.  With regard to the Hosty Notes documenting that Oswald was outside the TSBD, Oswald made all kinds of claims we Know to Not be true. For openers, start with the rifle which his wife ID'd that day + the pics.  I value the Hosty Notes as it Proves that there remains Unknown JFK Assassination Evidence. The Hosty Notes gives credibility to those that think it is possible that there still is Unknown assassination photo(s) and or film footage buried in grandma's attic.   

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Those Front Steps
« Reply #144 on: October 24, 2019, 10:23:10 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Those Front Steps
« Reply #145 on: October 24, 2019, 10:49:06 PM »
With regard to the Hosty Notes documenting that Oswald was outside the TSBD, Oswald made all kinds of claims we Know to Not be true. For openers, start with the rifle which his wife ID'd that day + the pics.

His wife didn't ID any rifle that day.  Nor do the pics exclusively identify any specific rifle.

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Those Front Steps
« Reply #146 on: October 24, 2019, 11:55:11 PM »
    Claiming You can actually see Oswald inside that circle is  BS:. As to your claiming Frasier was under all kinds of pressure to LIE about not seeing Oswald on the TSBD steps, I remind You that Frazier is still alive. Who are You claiming Frazier is afraid of 55+ years After the fact? Your being forced to grasp at straws like this is indicative of the weakness of your theory.  With regard to the Hosty Notes documenting that Oswald was outside the TSBD, Oswald made all kinds of claims we Know to Not be true. For openers, start with the rifle which his wife ID'd that day + the pics.  I value the Hosty Notes as it Proves that there remains Unknown JFK Assassination Evidence. The Hosty Notes gives credibility to those that think it is possible that there still is Unknown assassination photo(s) and or film footage buried in grandma's attic.


So you value the Hosty note,
------------not because it proves that Mr Oswald claimed to have been out front
------------not because it proves that Mr Oswald's interrogators lied about where he claimed to have been at the time of the assassination
------------but because... well... uh...just because it's something... uh... new!

This is like saying "I value the Zapruder Film because it shows Jean Hill looked fetching in red".

I'm afraid you're in The McAdams Zone here, Mr Storing, studiously missing the point as soon as it gets dangerous.

Thankfully, however, your arguments have flopped, each and every one.

You have failed to offer
----------an alternative logical explanation for the dark strip down Mr Lovelady's side
----------an alternative logical candidate for the person identified as Mr Frazier in Wiegman
----------an alternative logical candidate for the actual Mr Frazier in Wiegman
----------an alternative logical explanation for the frames showing a second 'Lovelady' head.

Yet, despite this litany of blanks fired, you blithely assure us there's nothing to see here.

This has been a most revealing exchange!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Those Front Steps
« Reply #146 on: October 24, 2019, 11:55:11 PM »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Those Front Steps
« Reply #147 on: October 25, 2019, 01:04:27 AM »
His wife didn't ID any rifle that day.  Nor do the pics exclusively identify any specific rifle.

     The images of Lt Day parading the rifle around that crowded hallway were due to his taking the rifle to Marina in a separate room. They did Not want her walking around/amidst The Press for obvious reasons. She gave law enforcement the ID on the rifle that evening.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2019, 01:05:23 AM by Royell Storing »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Those Front Steps
« Reply #148 on: October 25, 2019, 02:43:54 PM »
     The images of Lt Day parading the rifle around that crowded hallway were due to his taking the rifle to Marina in a separate room. They did Not want her walking around/amidst The Press for obvious reasons. She gave law enforcement the ID on the rifle that evening.

Uh, no she didn't.

Mr. JENNER. Now, I think--let's go ahead--the weapon is brought in.
Mr. MAMANTOV. All right.
Mr. JENNER. It is fully assembled?
Mr. MAMANTOV. It is fully assembled.
Mr. JENNER. It has a telescopic sight on it and the leather sling?
Mr. MAMANTOV. Captain Fritz brought it in and was holding it in his two hands, with two or three fingers, not to touch gun around--in that position (indicating).
Mr. JENNER. Holding it up--holding it like that (indicating)?
Mr. MAMANTOV. More or less--you see--inclined in that position.
Mr. JENNER. Holding it up horizontally or close to the horizontal?
Mr. MAMANTOV. That's correct, and it was brought close enough to her to examine. She was specifically asked if this was the gun she had seen in the past in that blanket. She said, "I don't know. All guns to me are the same, are a dark brown or black." He asked her again--"This," which was to me very dark or black colored. He said, "Is this what you see?" She said, "No, I don't know. I saw the gun--I saw a gun ;" she said again, "All guns are the same to me." Then they asked her about a sight on the gun.
Mr. JENNER. S-i-g-h-t [spelling]
Mr. MAMANTOV. Yes; a telescope she said, "No; I never have seen gun like that in his possession," and she referred back again to the Soviet Union.
Mr. JENNER. What did she say to you--is this a conclusion on your part that she referred back to the Soviet Union
Mr. MAMANTOV. No--no--she said this way.
Mr. JENNER. It isn't a conclusion, if you put the words in her mouth, so you can go ahead.
Mr. MAMANTOV. No, she said the gun which he had in the Soviet Union, she didn't know how to say--she said, "This thing."
Mr. JENNER. The telescopic sight?
Mr. MAMANTOV. The telescopic sight--she pointed to it with her finger.
Mr. JENNER. Excuse me, did she say that the rifle or weapon, whatever it was he had in the Soviet Union--her recollection was it did not have a telescopic sight on it?.
Mr. MAMANTOV. That's correct. She was asked if she had seen this part of the gun which he had in the garage in the blanket--this she said again--she said, "No; I have only seen one part of the gun, which was the end of the gun"--which part they asked her--I think I am calling it----
Mr. JENNER. The stock?
Mr. MAMANTOV. She pointed to the stock---correct--and then she was asked about the gun again and she said, "Dark brown-black."
Mr. JENNER. Still referring to the stock?
Mr. MAMANTOV. Still referring to the stock, and then they asked her for a couple more questions, if she saw this particular gun in his possession. She insisted that to her all guns are the same and she couldn't distinguish this gun from any other gun that he had in the past.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Those Front Steps
« Reply #148 on: October 25, 2019, 02:43:54 PM »

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: Those Front Steps
« Reply #149 on: October 25, 2019, 10:40:31 PM »
here is a question: If Couch started his film within just a few seconds of having seen the rifle in the 6th floor SE window of TSBD at about 3 sec post shots, then why did it take 21 seconds longer to begin filming at 24 sec post last shot?
If Couch has stated that even 10 seconds is a "long time" for a professional cameraman, such as himself, are we to believe that is took him TWICE that long to reach for his camera and after a "quick adjustment" start filming?

How could Couch be capturing Weigman himself on the GK , turning around, after Weigman had just stopped his camera after filming briefly the Hester couple hiding in the Pergola structure, at approx 15 sec post last shot per Wiegman jumping from his car about at 2nd shot or 3rd shot fired?

8 seconds into Couch film, the camera pans past the women on the Elm st curb and Baker (apparently) having run past them to capture the following:

1. Police officer on the LEFT side of Elm st, with gun drawn. THAT is the officer that Couch refers too, NOT Baker. Couch  does NOT mention of Baker, or of seeing a police officer running into the crowd of women, on his way to TSBD entrance steps. HOW did Couch miss this?

2. In the background, by the Stemmons freeway sign, can be seen running, the same black suit man with black hat who looks pretty much exactly like the same man in Wiegman film on Elm st. curb earlier, who has been identified as Mr.Campbell. IF so, then that corroborates the time being approx 15 sec post shot when seen in Couch film, because Mr.Campbell had to leave his position with Mrs Reid about 2nd shot fired to have been able to have LOS to see JFK limo speed away. Any later than about 5 sec post shots, and Mr Campbell would have missed seeing the JFK Limo entirely, as it goes thru the Triple underpass and is out of LOS after that.

Since the distance from the curb where Mr.Campbell is standing in Wiegman film to the Stemmons highway sign is approx 100 ft, and since an average double time running speed is not more than 10 ft per second, then if Mr Campbell DID leave Mrs Reid not later than 5 sec post last shot fired, then indeed, Mr Campbell would have been seen at 15 sec post shots in Couch film, ONLY IF, Couch had started his film approx 7 sec post shots.  Then, 8 seconds later, as Couch camera pans to Elm st, the time would be 15 secs post shots, capturing Mr Campbell running.

3. Wiegman on the Grassy Knoll. Wiegmans camera is rolling BEFORE the shots are fired, and AS shots are fired, there is the scene captured of Mr.Campbell and (presumptively) Mrs Reid, the white scarf, heavy set woman beside him, on the Elm st. curb. At about the 3rd shot fired or even possibly the 2nd shot fired, Wiegman jumps from his car. His camera is NOT cut, it is continuously running here. This time of jumping is recorded in Wiegmans film, 15 seconds from start of his film. At the 30 sec mark, Wiegman film is CUT. That is right at approx 15 secs from when Weigman jumped from the car, hence defacto 15 sec post last shot fired.

What does Wiegman do now? Does he just stand there for another 18 to 20 seconds doing nothing with his now stopped camera? Does that seem probable for a professional camera man to do, given that Couch WC testimony is that just 10 seconds is a "long time" for a professional camera man.

Imo, Weigman stops his camera, then immediately he turns around and he spots the Newmans laying on the ground. Wiegman then starts his camera again, and this "cut" between ending filming the Hesters and beginning filming the Newmans is clearly identifiable in the Wiegman film. This "Turning Around" movement by Wiegman is CLEARLY seen in the Couch film. This could only be at 15 sec post shots fired and thus Couch film capturing Wiegman on the GK turning around, must be 15 seconds post shot as well.

This means Couch film had to have been started NOT at 24 second post shots as has been the current "factoid" established time, but actually Couch film must be started approximately 7 seconds post last shot, such that 8 seconds into Couch film, would be 15 second post shots, capturing Weigman turning around on the GK, and Mr. Campbell running past the Stemmon highway sign on Elm st.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2019, 10:47:52 PM by Zeon Mason »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Those Front Steps
« Reply #150 on: October 25, 2019, 10:51:31 PM »
2. In the background, by the Stemmons freeway sign, can be seen running, the same black suit man with black hat who looks pretty much exactly like the same man in Wiegman film on Elm st. curb earlier, who has been identified as Mr.Campbell.

How was it even decided that this is Campbell?

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: Those Front Steps
« Reply #151 on: October 25, 2019, 11:01:57 PM »
How was it even decided that this is Campbell?

it based on Mr Campbell FBI statements and Mrs Robert A. Reid WC testimony of where they both were relative to each other.

Of course they could both be mistaken, but where else on the Elm st curb scene in Wiegman is a man with dark hat and dark suit that could possibly probably be Mr Campbell?

 Roy Truly, is in the background of Couch, turning around as the girl we used to think was Gloria Cavalry, but apparently is not, comes running up, nearly simultaneous as Baker is approaching the front steps. So the dark hat/dark suit man on the Elm curb is not likely Truly in the Wiegman film.

Imo, that probably is Truly there near the steps turning around, because he then followed Baker AFTER Baker went up the steps on the right side of the handrailing most likely, and that explains Baker being missed being seen by Stanton, BW Frazier, Gloria Cavalry, and Joe Molina, yet being seen by Pauline Sanders, who WAS on the right side of the entrance landing and in front of the door, thus Baker running right into her virtually.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2019, 11:06:07 PM by Zeon Mason »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Those Front Steps
« Reply #151 on: October 25, 2019, 11:01:57 PM »