so if the propostiion now is that Oswald is even CLOSER to BW Frazier, in fact right in front of him,f BW Frazier missing seeing Oswald is now even more questionable
Except I'm not claiming that Mr Frazier missed Mr Oswald. Try to keep up!
If Prayerblob is Oswald
Not in Wiegman, and my ID of Mr Oswald in Wiegman is not dependent on the PrayerManInDarnell issue. Try to keep up!
then Oswald came out late at about 12:29 opening the door inward perhaps and he could sneak BEHIND everyone over to that corner. But he would have had to be very CLOSE to Sarah Stanton who is presumed to be WITH Pauline Sanders, unless Stanton has been identified BEYOND DOUBT as being lower in front of Sanders on the right side of the handrail on some lower step.
But how Oswald could move from the corner,between BW Frazier and Billy Lovelady for just a brief few seconds then BACK to the corner again and then move AGAIN to the front door and into the Lobby aka "vestibule"? and this all be missed being seen and also not captured in Weigman or Couch/Darnell films..

Again, a multi-layered misrepresentation of my claim!
I call

on you, Mr Mason. Your studied point-missing, invention of pseudo-problems, and misrepresentation of straightforward claims is a tired little game, and it's not working.
You can't explain the dark strip down Mr Lovelady's side, so you just divert to non-issues.
"I, Mr Zeon Mason, having carefully and with an open mind examined the Wiegman frames, and having recently learned the difference between vertical and horizontal, have concluded that the dark strip down Mr Lovelady's right side is easily and innocently explained: it is _____________________________"