The naturally impossible dark 'shadow' down Mr Lovelady in Wiegman would, on its own, be startling enough to raise suspicions.
The second 'Lovelady' head in Wiegman would, on its own, be startling enough to raise suspicions.
But! It's the
combination of the two----------
pertaining to the exact same area of the entranceway------------that allows us to see their significance and thereby nail Mr Oswald's location at the time of the assassination.
If I am right (and the failure to date of anyone to mount a credible challenge to my claim is pretty conspicuous!), then we must consider
Mr Buell Wesley Frazier's place in all this.
I feel awfully sorry for the guy. For fifty-six years, he has been carrying a heavy burden, a dreadful secret: his friend, Mr Lee Oswald, was just in front of him at the time of the assassination.
Six years ago he started getting asked about a figure dubbed 'Prayer Man'. He must have been relieved to discover that 'Prayer Man' in Wiegman is not in the position he remembers Mr Oswald as having been in at the time of the shooting-----------too far west:
His secret was still safe. So he stonewalled, and has stonewalled ever since: 'I don't know who that is'.
Somebody (
other than our resident lunatic!) needs to show Mr Frazier this------------

------------and explain that it is from the time of the actual shooting
------------and remind Mr Frazier of his own nearby position back closer to the glass door.
Most likely, of course, Mr Frazier will stonewall again, but...
There is at least the possibility that the
shock of recognition, and the consciousness that the cat really is out of the bag now, will, in due course, prompt him to finally confirm the shocking truth a part of him has always wanted to admit:
Yes, that's him.