The resistance to the evidence putting Mr Oswald right behind Mr Lovelady at the time of the shooting---------

---------will come from various quarters:
1. Lone Nutters (but who cares------these poor souls' capacity for motivated reasoning is already legendary!

2. CTs who consider the second floor lunchroom incident sacrosanct (they'd rather keep that fiction alive than allow Mr Oswald his legitimate alibi)
3. CTs for whom JFK assassination research is an addictive hobby (the last thing they want to see is closure on the issue of Mr Oswald's whereabouts 12.30pm... what would they
do with their days?)
4. 'CTs' pretending to be CTs (usually pretty easy to spot!)
5. Harvey and Lee nuts (The Great Armstrong doesn't put either Oswald on the steps so we sure as heck ain't gonna!)
6. CTs who have been heavily invested in the Prayer Man claim (it would be
very sad to see Prayer Man become the new Lunchroom Incident-----i.e. the sacrosanct X that closes good people off to alternative ideas. Especially as Mr Oswald's alibi in Wiegman would never have been established had it not been for the
brilliant and indefatigable work of the Prayer Man people. E.g.! Mr Kamp's game-changing unearthing of the Hosty notes that confirmed that Mr Oswald did indeed claim to have gone outside for the P. parade after a visit to the second floor lunchroom for a coke).