Now! Mr Mytton's devious little game here with his gifs is to do everything he possibly can to shift Mr Lovelady as far left (i.e. west) as he can get away with!
In his first version he 'accidentally' made the figures in the
Wiegman doorway much too small. But he was called out on that and forced to correct.

But in his latest, second version, the other 'errors' are still present and correct. For instance, he's got the center railing pointing too sharply to the right (i.e. east) as it rises with the steps. All to create fictional space west of the center railing that will lead men and women of goodwill to believe Mr Lovelady is closer to the west wall where the real-world shadow action is!
Now! Mr Mytton's problem here is that a meticulous overlay of Wiegman and Darnell was already done some time back by a researcher who--------unlike Mr Mytton--------is honest:

Look up from Mr Lovelady's head to the word 'DEPOSITORY' and you will see that it is between the 'P' and the 'O'.
This is because this is exactly what Wiegman shows:
This gif---this honestly made gif---has not manipulated our perception of Mr Lovelady's position by giving us the
Darnell version of 'DEPOSITORY'!

Mr Mytton's dishonest version, by contrast, Mr Lovelady's head is under the letter 'E' of 'DEPOSITORY':

Mr Lovelady is----you guessed it----too far west!

In fairness to Mr Mytton, he has done a clever job of hiding the misalignment of letters between Wiegman and Darnell (look at the controlled mess that is 'BOOK'!).
Challenge to Mr Mytton: give us a simple two-frame gif containing just the clean Wiegman frame laid over the clean Darnell frame!