How did Mr Mytton solve the 'PrayerPersonInWiegman' problem in his second version----------which was created in response to the observation that the figures in Wiegman in his first version were much smaller than the figures in Darnell?
Easy-----------------he got rid of 'PrayerPersonInWiegman' altogether by keeping 'PrayerPersonInDarnell' embedded in the 'Wiegman' frame!
Look at what happens to PrayerPerson in the images below. They tell quite a story!
Honest, Non-Myttonian Version + Dishonest Myttonian Version A
Dishonest Myttonian Version B with nothing of 'PrayerPersonInWiegman' but the bright dot:

He realised that having 'PrayerPersonInWiegman' climbing up the west wall might be a problem! 
What an absolute scam artist this man is!

Hilarious, the more frustrated you become the more angry words just pour out.
For a start your non-mytton version has been squeezed horizontally to squeeze Lovelady closer to the railing, have you got even one honest bone in your body? I already told you that there were altered images on the web and now you're attempting to use them to your own advantage. naughty naughty!
But even with your "manipulated" image when the railing is made clear, Lovelady is behind and to the left, behind and to the left. Whichever way you look at this problem, the outcome is always the same. You lose! Did you ever think that painting in a shadow was going to trump reality?
