And that blackening out has to date received no rational motivation other than the presence of the falsely accused Mr Oswald just behind Mr Lovelady as the assassination was happening!
Thanks for summing up your stoopid theory in one sentence, Oswald was standing BEHIND Lovelady so instead of just EASILY tracing around Lovelady's silhouette and blackening out where Oswald was, they instead attempted to guess where a shadow couldn't be and then painted this mathematically accurate shadow ONTO Lovelady, in what Universe is that the least bit logical? -sigh-
It's obvious you bit off more than you could chew so to justify the shadow craziness you somehow added Oswald into equation, it must be nice to have such a vivid imagination.
I decided that while the results were pretty good by comparing two 2D images, but the
best way to solve this is in 3D because using two original images from two different cameras with maybe two different lenses, you have a parallax problem it's inescapable but a side benefit is that by shifting the cameras horizontally we now have a stereo view and when viewed through 3D glasses you get an effective cool 3D image but since not many people have the necessary glasses I made a 3D GIF version, see below.

Anyway you seemed to have missed my earlier graphic which puts this issue to bed. By marrying up the relevant pixels in each video capture we can get the same 3D and we can see the depth, the only problem in this exercise is that Lovelady is only there in one frame but it's clear he's no where near the railing. Also look at Prayer Person and assuming he/she didn't move is against the wall and about a foot to a foot and a half in front of the glass, interesting.

The two screen captures come from Robin Unger's gallery, so it's the best you're going to get.