Friends, now that Mr Mytton's claim that the dark vertical strip down Mr Lovelady's right side in Wiegman is a natural shadow has ended in humiliated exhaustion for poor Mr Mytton, where are we?
Well, we are left with that dark vertical strip down Mr Lovelady's side in Wiegman:

No one has be able to explain it as a natural phenomenon.
Anyone else want to try?

Now! If it remains the case that the dark vertical strip down Mr Lovelady in Wiegman cannot be explained as a natural phenomenon, it follows that it is an unnatural phenomenon
the Wiegman film was altered.
Yes? Yes!

And if the Wiegman film was altered, then it follows that whoever altered it
must have had a reason for altering it.
Yes? Yes!
Now! I know what that reason is:
Mr Lee Harvey Oswald was just behind Mr Lovelady at the time of the assassination.
It's where he claimed he was--------------Agent Hosty's handwritten interrogation notes: "Then went outside to watch P. parade"--------------and it's where he indeed was.

But! Maybe I've got this all wrong! Maybe the Wiegman film was altered for some reason that had
nothing whatsoever to do with Mr Oswald!
OK. Well, now that the 'natural shadow' counter-explanation for Wiegman has died a gruesome final death (thanking you again, Mr Mytton!

), perhaps someone can offer a counter-explanation for the doctoring of the Wiegman film?
If no one can, then it looks like the mystery of Mr Oswald's whereabouts is solved-----------56 long years after the assassination!