Assuming that Ford's 3D graphic is accurate, here's Frazier partially in the shadow. and for comparison next there's Lovelady.


And suddenly Mr Mytton, having gone away to lick his multiple wounds, gets all interested again in the shadow, because he thinks he's got something. Unfortunately, however-----------he doesn't!
First off, friends, notice how Mr Mytton calls the 3D image "Ford's graphic". As he very well knows, it's not my graphic but
Mr Hackerott's-----------yes, the same Mr Hackerott Mr Mytton says he has never disagreed with!

But that by the bye!
Now! Is that a dark vertical shadow down Mr Frazier in Darnell, as Mr Mytton claims? Nope! Mr Frazier's body is turned, is all, and some of him is being caught by the
horizontal shadow. Let's let
Mr Stancak's 3D reconstruction
of Darnell help poor Mr Mytton out here:

And! Is that a natural shadow down Mr Lovelady's right side in Wiegman, as Mr Mytton claims? Nope! Mr Lovelady's body is not turned a la Frazier's (look at the position of Mr Lovelady's tshirt!)
plus he's nowhere near the shadow line.
And! Mr Lovelady is even further away from that shadow line in this later Wiegman frame--------------the one Mr Mytton originally tried so hard to misrepresent to us all a few pages back before he suddenly lost all interest in it!:

Confident Prediction!
Mr Mytton will never show us where he thinks the actual shadow line in that doorway is, because if he did that he would then have to show us where exactly he thinks Mr Lovelady is standing in Wiegman, and if he did that then everyone reading would erupt in laughter!
Two-Part Conclusion To The Foregoing!
a) Mr Mytton still can't help making a fool of himself on this issue! 
b) The dark vertical strip down Mr Lovelady in Wiegman remains unexplained!