Can you show us please, so that we can compare it with what we see in the actual Wiegman frame? Thank you! 
Let me politely nudge Mr Mitcham along here...
Mr Mitcham, in order to get Mr Lovelady over to the shadow line you have placed him well to the west of where Mr Hackerott places him:

You have further indicated that PrayerPerson is closer to the wall and back a little from where Mr Hackerott places him. I have used a yellow arrow here to move PrayerPerson in line with your suggestion. If you are unhappy with my arrow, give us one of your own!

Now! Let us consider
first the
angle at which Mr Wiegman is filming and
second the
sizeable gap between Mr Lovelady and PrayerPerson's heads which Wiegman shows when Mr Lovelady is at lower elevation:

Now, the green line in the image below joins the heads of Mr Lovelady and PrayerPerson in the positions you are placing them:
From Wiegman's perspective, your Mr Lovelady will be standing in front of your PrayerPerson! Are you seriously suggesting that this is compatible with the gap between Mr Lovelady and PrayerPerson which Wiegman actually shows?
Please get real, my friend, and stop pushing this nonsense!