Oops, indeed.
The Lovelady stepping down is a red herring because look at the distance from the top of Lovelady's head to the next frame, that distance is way too much for a step but if you look closely at the shape of Lovelady's head, the way he counterbalances himself with his right arm, the angle and shape of his Tshirt, his button shirt right side falling forward and creating a shadow across his tummy, his left lapel that tightens and removes the shadow, his upper body twisting and the shadowing on Lovelady's face, it looks like he's ducking a little and bending forward as you do, to try and get a better look at something or maybe he was just leaning forward to tie up his shoe laces? The total amount of frames of Lovelady is about half a second and is just a flash in time.

And the shadow planes confirms the above.

Btw whatever happened to your "paint it black" theory, run Alan, run!