Reflective Note!Friends, the reason I am so sure of my ground here is that the discovery of Mr Oswald in Wiegman-------------

after I had tried
desperately hard to find an innocent explanation for the 'shadow' on Mr Lovelady in Wiegman:
putting a jacket or coat on him (
didn't work)
querying the very identification of Mr Lovelady in Wiegman as Mr Lovelady (
didn't work)
querying the identification of Mr Lovelady in the early Hughes frames (
didn't work)
trying out different postures for Mr Lovelady in Wiegman (
didn't work).
In short,
I already went through the same Operation Racking-Of-The-Brains that my opponents in Team Keep LHO Away From That Entranceway are now going through. And I can save them some trouble by telling them now in all candor:
this will not end happily for you.
Also worth remembering! I was a strong supporter of the PrayerMan=LHO claim. But this damn 'shadow' kept niggling away at me. It was an annoyance, an irritant, a seeming irrelevance.
The breakthrough--------on 21 October---------of finding the second head behind Mr Lovelady's in Wiegman, however, solved the problem at a stroke. And forced me away from the PrayerMan claim.
I cannot help remarking that the attack line from
Team Keep LHO Away From That Entranceway has moved from
a) trying to explain away the shadow
b) trying to suggest that darkening a few movie frames would have been a technical impossibility in 1963 (!)
that's the net yield of Operation Racking-Of-The-Brains-----------an admission of complete perplexity as to this 'shadow'-----------then they really are in very deep trouble.
Because (as they know only too well) if they cannot defeat me on this issue, then the logic of the thing is that they don't just lose this particular argument-------------no,
their entire understanding of the case dies a miserable death.
It is important, however, that they know that their defeat is a result not (just...) of their own ineptitude, but of the fact that reality is not on their side.
This holds especially for the Lone Nutters, who need to get their heads around a simple fact:
Mr Oswald did not shoot JFK, period.
You lose. But not nearly as much as he did.