Based on where You have positioned Lovelady in relation to the Upper End of the Handrail, YOU have Lovelady standing on The Steps and Not the Landing. Where EXACTLY do you claim to have Lovelady standing on the Wiegman Image YOU have posted as Your visual aid? Be VERY Careful Here.
Lovelady has to be slightly lower in Darnell otherwise the relative spatial positioning makes even less sense.
Here's Lovelady up higher and let's see what happens?

The results are not good, not good at all, care to try again.

If Darnell captured Lovelady at the same time as Wiegman he must be to our left and lower in Darnell, you can't argue with physics.
Your theory ceases to be, well not your theory because you've never had an original idea in your entire life and instead of thinking you spend your time endorsing other peoples stupidity, nice!
