In other words--------------and I know it kills you to have to admit it, Mr Mytton!---------------she's on the east side of the center railing in Wiegman:
Even after I explain that the cutout of Lovelady included the lady in black, you still misrepresent my 3D graphic. And again you post my unfinished Altgens 6 graphic, which btw I have finished and posted. What a lowlife.
Since you have such a hard on for the lady in black not moving, I had a closer examination and ironically she is the solution.
The lady in black in both images appears on the same lower step, right next to the railing therefore her position can be triangulated with the permanent fixed geometry of the entrance.
If we had a clear view of the railing, the railing in front of the lady in black is solid and the hidden part behind the lady in black is a dotted line.
We know Lovelady is higher up and must be further behind.
The door frame must also be behind but even further back.
By focusing on the lady in black and rotating the scene around her, whatever is close behind will show little horizontal movement and as objects move away the horizontal distance increases. The door frame will show the greatest movement and anything in between will move less.
