JOHN - If YOU believe Lovelady was standing inside the shadow we see on the Speer Photo, say so. If Not, tip your cap to Ford and walk away. You're Done.
Mr Mytton says he believes Mr Lovelady is
several feet back on the landing. (No, really!) Of course he believes nothing of the sort, but he knows there's literally no other option left him if he is to continue prostituting his
Soopah-Doopah-3D-Talents to the lost cause of Lone Nutterism.
Except-----back on the landing
isn't even an option, because Mr Lovelady in Wiegman is catching no
horizontal shadow!

Friends, I urge you to save Mr Mytton's
Soopah-Doopah-3D-GIFS and to take screenshots of his posts here---------comedy like this doesn't come around but once in a blue moon!