No worries, Pat Speer's photo and the following GIF are the final nail in this ridiculous theory. YOU LOSE!


You keep telling us you've just delivered the final blow, Mr Mytton, only to have to go back humiliatingly to square one again each and every time!
No different here, I'm afraid!
Try so desperately as you might, you can't get Mr Lovelady in Wiegman anywhere close to the shadow line on the steps, and you can't get him right back on the landing:

When Mr Lovelady is at higher elevation, he's in front of the man half of whose face is catching horizontal shadow:

And when he's at lower elevation, things are even worse for you:

This is why you were reduced to the truly desperate resort of suggesting that this----------

----------shows Mr Lovelady
bending forward to tie his shoelaces!