No worries, I have already stated on numerous occasions that the landing is deeper today

Here's what actually happened, Mr Mytton. It's a real hoot!
1. I posted this photo from Mr Pat Speer:

2. You, rubbing your hands in glee as you saw the shadow reaching almost the perfect midpoint of the doorway, posted this claim that all
my claims were refuted by what you had noticed:

3. I gently pointed out to you that the landing depth today is different to the landing depth in 1963, and you came back with this:

So the landing was "a little deeper", "a bit deeper (from memory a couple of feet) in 2019", was it?
Let's look at the facts, shall we?
Depth of landing in 1963: less than 4 feet
(Credit: Mr Gary Murr!

Depth of landing now: 9 feet.
The landing has been extended to well over twice its original depth!This is what you call "a little deeper"!
Keep up the good work, Mr Mytton!