FORD - With the Landing being Less than 4 feet deep it is difficult to envision 2 people, (Lovelady/Oswald), standing almost single file in front of a roughly 4 feet wide door which opens outward toward them. There just is Not the room to do this along with the common sense factor of standing directly in front of/on top of a glass door that opens toward you.
The glass door opened inwards and outwards, Mr Storing:

Mr Oswald would have done what Mr Dan Rather is doing here:

He then slips across past Mr Frazier, who is probably the only person who notices him for the very short time he is out there.
On top of that, Buell Frazier is also supposed to be standing back behind these 2 guys on that Less than 4 feet deep Landing and in front of that same roughly 4 foot wide door. Lovelady possibly standing on the top step directly below the Landing makes more sense than piling people up on a less than 4 feet deep landing.
There has been legitimate debate as to whether Mr Lovelady is at the edge of the landing or on the top step in Wiegman. (Mr Hackerott for instance offers the former, Mr Stancak the latter.)
What's quite certain either way is that Mr Lovelady is not on the landing after he steps downwards:

And yet---------the magic 'shadow' magically moves down with him!

Of course, the distance between Mr Lovelady and Mr Frazier----------------

------------------, along with the lack of horizontal shadow hitting Mr Lovelady's head, makes it impossible for Mr Lovelady to be anywhere near where poor lost Mr Mytton desperately needs to put him to get him to the shadow line:

This, we recall, is the reason why poor lost Mr Mytton never got back to us with his suggested placement of Mr Frazier in Wiegman---------------to do so would have committed him to a situation in which not alone is Mr Lovelady about to bend down and tie his shoelaces (!!) but he is also standing on Mr Frazier's toes!