Here, friends, is the final "minor adjustment" Mr Mytton-----------along with all his Warren Gullible pals------------is going to have to make sooner or later:

Even Oswald himself agreed that he was in the building at the time, or are you going to argue again that Oswald was outside the front door but was inside at the same time? Hahaha
If anyone who was innocent was outside when the President drove by, they would be screaming this to the Press, but Oswald couldn't because he wasn't.
Oswald: I work in that building.
Reporter: Were you in that building at the time?
Oswald: Naturally if I work in that building, yes sir.@1:13
Oswald scored as a sharpshooter in the Marines.
Oswald defected to the enemy.
Oswald's diary describes Oswald's suicide attempt.
Oswald took photos of General Walker's house not long before the assassination attempt.
Oswald had a bus map with Walker's house highlighted with a cross.
Oswald left a note for Marina where among other things he also describes that his actions may cause his death.
Oswald tried to kill General Walker.
Oswald tells Marina that he tried to kill Walker.
Oswald beat his wife.
Oswald ordered a rifle.
Oswald ordered a Revolver.
Oswald took a long package to work.
Oswald's blanket where Marina said she saw a rifle was empty on the afternoon of the 22nd.
Oswald told different stories for what was in the bag and where he put it.
Oswald's rifle was found on the 6th floor
Oswald's rifle exclusively matched the shells 3 shells found on the 6th floor.
Oswald's rifle exclusively matched the bullet fragments found in the Limo.
Oswald's rifle excursively matched the bullet found on a stretcher at Parkland.
Oswald's shirt fibers matched fibers on the rifle.
Oswald's prints were on the rifle.
Oswald's fresh prints were on Sniper's nest boxes, fresh as in the last 72 hours but the FBI's own test's said their prints on similar boxes only lasted a day.
Oswald's close description which was virtually identical to Brennan's description was broadcast @ 12:45.
Oswald immediately left work.
Oswald caught a bus
Oswald got off a bus after a few blocks.
Oswald caught a Taxi
Oswald got out of the Taxi a few blocks past his rooming house
Oswald admitted in the interrogation about going to his room to get his revolver.
Oswald was seen by someone he knew zipping up a jacket.
Oswald was positively identified as the man who killed a cop.
Oswald was identified by half a dozen eyewitnesses as leaving the scene while fumbling with his gun.
Oswald's jacket was found in the car park he was seen entering.
Oswald was seen on Jefferson and hid in a shop entrance.
Oswald hid in a theater.
Oswald had a concealed weapon.
Oswald punched a Police Officer.
Oswald tried to kill McDonald.
Oswald refused a lie detector.
Oswald denied owning his rifle
Oswald "forgot" his Neely street address by saying he stayed at his previous address for months longer.
Oswald lied about where he bought the revolver, likely to hide the fact that he also bought the rifle by mail order.
And that's just a quick sublimation off the top of my head.