The glass door opened inwards and outwards, Mr Storing:

Mr Oswald would have done what Mr Dan Rather is doing here:

He then slips across past Mr Frazier, who is probably the only person who notices him for the very short time he is out there.
There has been legitimate debate as to whether Mr Lovelady is at the edge of the landing or on the top step in Wiegman. (Mr Hackerott for instance offers the former, Mr Stancak the latter.)
What's quite certain either way is that Mr Lovelady is not on the landing after he steps downwards:

And yet---------the magic 'shadow' magically moves down with him! 
Of course, the distance between Mr Lovelady and Mr Frazier----------------

------------------, along with the lack of horizontal shadow hitting Mr Lovelady's head, makes it impossible for Mr Lovelady to be anywhere near where poor lost Mr Mytton desperately needs to put him to get him to the shadow line:

This, we recall, is the reason why poor lost Mr Mytton never got back to us with his suggested placement of Mr Frazier in Wiegman---------------to do so would have committed him to a situation in which not alone is Mr Lovelady about to bend down and tie his shoelaces (!!) but he is also standing on Mr Frazier's toes!

1, Front door swings inward as Oswald exits and is not noticed by Pauline Sanders (purple figure)
2. Pauline Sanders is NOT right in front of the door but is further east of the front door and further forward, such that she would have had LOSto Elm st. Where she is depicted in the overhead plan view (purple figure), her LOS would have been blocked.
3. Prayerblob is approx in the correct position although possibly closer to the west wall , and the white object therefore NOT a hand in the sunliight but is actually a white cup.
4, Lovelady figure is in front of Buell W. Frazier, and closer to the central railing, thus is in full sunlight. This position creates a gap between BW Frazier and Prayerblob, which is where Oswald came out and stood for a brief period of time from approx 12:29 until 12:30:15. This position is approx indicated in the graphic with the "Love" red disk marker. This is slightly BEHIND both BWF and Prayerblob, thus Oswald not noticed by BWF nor Prayerblob (possibly Stanton)
5. Because the sunlight illuminates at least 50% of Oswald figure, possibly even had his face at one point in sunlight, this gap had to be darkened by some method to obscure the figure of Oswald.
Now the question of why the conspirators did not attempt to darken out the 2nd head
A. They concluded it was a motion blur effect of Lovelady face
B. The technique they used to add shadow would have taken more time than they had to carefully mask out around Loveladys face.
C. They decided micro shadowing was a greater risk of distortion to Lovelady face, than to just leave the 2nd head unaltered, which they determined was not enough detail to be discerned as Oswalds face, and could be explained as motion blur anyway.