First it was Abbot and Costello and now with Curly, it's the 3 Stooges.

I looked through the posts from you clowns and here's a summary of what's being discussed and answers.
The foundation of Ford's increasingly complex theory is that in the Wiegman film, Lovelady had a shadow painted on him to hide Oswald who was behind. Storing describes the shadow as a Jet Black Curtain. Iacoletti just screams Bah Humbug to anything I post.
First of all to see if there was anything captured on film in the shadow area because a painted on jet black curtain should leave no detail or what's the point? Next a Wiegman frame from a Genuine Ford post so their can be no disputes(jTZuj9p.jpg) and increased the contrast to bring out the detail in the shadow area.

First of all it's not a straight curtain so a stupid analogy and then I noticed that the shadow on Lovelady wasn't a flat plane but was brimming with detail, what immediately stood out were the stripes on Lovelady's shirt and they looked to be placed about right. So let's check the positioning and they are a good match.

Now, if the proportions between the lines are similar with Lovelady's actual shirt then the chances that these 3 lines are just random are incredibly small but not only were the distances the same but each location was a perfect match to Lovelady's actual shirt. This "painted on shadow theory" is in it's death throes now

Looking at the collar what struck me was the shadow, so I checked the overall positioning of where a collar should sit and we have another match but I see some concern with the different Lovelady shirt, so I made a comparison with the same shirt and even though the shirt is almost a decade older, along with an older Lovelady, standing not at the exact same angle, different weather, a different sun position we can still see a shadow with a white outline in the same area as we expect.
With the stripes and the collar all lining up together, this "painted on shadow theory" has drawn it's last breath.

That's a Slam Dunk, friends