That IS the crux of the Issue. Where is Lovelady standing? Lovelady has to be standing with his (R) Shoulder almost touching the West Wall, for a shadow to fall Anywhere on his body. For a shadow to Blanket HALF of his body he has to almost be Hugging that (W) wall. Look at the position of Lovelady vs the Black Guy below him. The Black Guy is very close to the wall and Lovelady is Clearly standing well East/to the Right of him. Also bear in mind the handrail. How far from the handrail is Lovelady standing?
Exactly, Mr Storing!

And this why they're so screwed-------------------because, for Mr Lovelady to be catching shadow, he'd have to be standing
directly behind Mr Carl Edward Jones (the black man standing on the second step over at the west column):

Quite apart from the self-evident absurdity of such an idea, if Mr Lovelady were that far west he would be
blocking Prayer Person.
Mr Mytton, of course, recognized this problem. His solution? That Mr Lovelady in the above frame is
not on the steps but
halfway back on the landing...
bending over to tie his shoelaces!!Demented stuff from a LN 'researcher' in sheer denial about a devastatingly simple fact:
The 'shadow' down Mr Lovelady's side in Wiegman is not a natural shadow!