Yup. I can't believe I check in each lunchtime to read for 30 minutes or so arguments over an obvious 'real time' (not post-production) shadow on a piece of film, yet here I am again doing just that. 
And yet you do keep checking in, Mr Finch. Likely explanation: the issue is making you nervous!
Now! If you can put your unfortunate LN bias to one side for just a moment, let me remind you that
you were the one who drew attention to the curious "interference" between the car antenna and the Lovelady 'shadow'. Can you offer an explanation for this that would be consistent with said 'shadow's' being "an obvious 'real time' (not post-production) shadow"? How come the antenna shows up clearly against every other dark background
except this one?
And---------------while you're there--------------how do you explain the dark strip down Mr Lovelady's body in the frame below as "an obvious 'real time' (not post-production) shadow" when the real-time Mr Lovelady is clearly on the steps and nowhere near the real-time natural shadow line from the west column?

Can you do any better than your fellow LNers on this, Mr Finch? I know it's not exactly a high bar, but by all means give it your best jump!