Yup. I can't believe I check in each lunchtime to read for 30 minutes or so arguments over an obvious 'real time' (not post-production) shadow on a piece of film, yet here I am again doing just that. 
Also, doesn't anyone find it remotely odd that the one person accused of committing this act was NOT spotted 'on the steps or outside watching p. parade' by ANYONE during the entire affair?
Matthew below is a quote from you a couple of months back
Wasn't Oswald* spotted emptying shells from his revolver post-shooting Tippit? The three live rounds in his pocket, maybe?
*Assuming of course, it was indeed Oswald - which I think it most likely was.
Judging that both quotes are nothing more than drive-by comments maybe it would help if you read both of your quotes and ask yourself if you took a position on anything
Answer: It depends, for example, in the second quote if you know the answers to your two questions. Maybe you do or maybe you don't.
You said it yourself "assuming of course, it was indeed Oswald- which I think it most likely was"
See, you don't, even after you allow yourself to "Assume it was Oswald" you are only willing to say "it most likely was". That sounds like someone who is oblivious
Do you think any of the pictures were altered?