And "motion blur"?

Keep up the good work, Mr Mytton! 
For a start slowing down Wiegman's film to a snails pace to try and hide the speed of the camera pan and subsequent motion blur is typical of your dishonesty. Naughty naughty!

And "motion blur"?
Yep, Motion Blur, what everyone's been telling you all this time, every frame that you claimed to be "Oswald's head behind Lovelady" can be traced directly back to Wiegman's corresponding camera movement, the direction of the pan and the speed determines the position, the faster the camera movement the further away is Lovelady's "second" blurred head and without fail this irrefutable pattern is repeated for every single frame that you posted.
This is so over, you have failed on every single level, go be productive and play tiddly winks because you suck at this.

Keep up the good work, Mr Mytton!
No worries, that's what I do!