Still waiting for Mytton to explain why on this Frankenstein GIF he slapped together we are seeing: (1) Lovelady's shirt Moving UP toward his chest, vs (2) Lovelady's upper torso Moving DOWN. In reality, that shirt should be moving DOWN toward the ground. What we are seeing defies Gravity and renders the GIF useless.
This GIF is a joke, Mr Storing...

Poor lost Mr Mytton just took
one frame of Mr Lovelady @ Upper Elevation-------------------

-------------------and morphed it into
one frame of Mr Lovelady @ Lower Elevation----------------------

He's trying to fool low-information voters into thinking the Wiegman film actually shows Mr Lovelady in motion!
And the reason Mr Mytton needs to do
that is that he needs to fool low-information voters into believing
a) the second 'Lovelady' head is due to a combination of motion blur and this fictional Lovelady-Motion!

b) Mr Lovelady is bending over to tie his shoelaces!

And the reason Mr Mytton needs to have Mr Lovelady bending over is
he knows he can't let Mr Lovelady step down off the landing!
Poor lost Mr Mytton! Like everyone else on
Team Keep LHO Away From The Front Entrance, he has gotten precisely nowhere in his frantic efforts to convince us that Mr Lovelady in this frame is not on the steps:

Mr Mytton and his pals can keep attempting the impossible til the cows come home, but reality will defeat them each and every time!