Like an increasing number of people, I am in no doubt whatsoever that Mr Oswald was indeed on the front steps at the time of the shooting. The unearthing of the Hosty notes containing Mr Oswald's own claims about his movements prior to and at the time of the motorcade offered stunning confirmation that the Prayer Man people had gotten it right: no second-floor lunchroom encounter; Mr Oswald really did claim to have gone out to watch the P. parade; the suppression of his key claims shows that the authorities knew damn well the man's claimed alibi was veridical.
The argument going forward is no longer
Was Mr Oswald in that entranceway? but
Where exactly in that entranceway was Mr Oswald? I hope that smart researchers who may yet differ in their answer to that second question can come together and sort this thing out once and for all.
Outstanding Questions!1. Why was a fake shadow put down Mr Lovelady's side in Wiegman?
2. Was Mr Kenneth DuVall really on the steps at the time?
3. Is this Mr Kenneth DuVall?:

If so, might his striking resemblance to Mr Oswald explain the fake shadow down Mr Lovelady?
4. Why does Mr Lovelady have a second head in Wiegman?
5. Who is PrayerPerson in Wiegman?
6. Is PrayerPerson in Wiegman the same person as PrayerPerson in Darnell?
7. Where exactly is Mr Bill Shelley standing at the time of the shots?Some may prefer to waste their own time and that of others with discredited nonsense about Ms Sarah Stanton, etc., but anyone who cares about the central question of this case---------
Where exactly was Mr Oswald at the time of the shooting?------------will wish to see the above questions answered!