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Author Topic: Those Front Steps  (Read 169595 times)

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Those Front Steps
« Reply #1048 on: January 02, 2020, 05:10:56 AM »

Two points:

a) The argument driving this thread since October 21st has not been about Prayer Person!

b) You, Mr Graves, join everyone else in being unable to explain this 'shadow' down Mr Lovelady in Wiegman as a natural shadow:

You and your pals can keep up your diversion games till the cows come home, but it won't impact the ability of smart and unbiased readers (incl. lurkers) to note the stark fact:

The Wiegman frames have been monkeyed with in order to hide something.

And no one with a lick of sense is going to doubt that this something must be related to Mr Lee "Went-Outside-To-Watch-P.-Parade" Oswald!


   Agree. We have seen the pics taken the day of the assassination. Those pics Prove conclusively that Lovelady would have to be almost hugging the West Wall to be immersed in the Shadow/Curtain extending Down over half of his entire body. Lovelady was Not hugging the West Wall = the alleged shadow being Bogus.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2020, 05:11:41 AM by Royell Storing »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Those Front Steps
« Reply #1048 on: January 02, 2020, 05:10:56 AM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Those Front Steps
« Reply #1049 on: January 03, 2020, 11:57:49 AM »
    So EXACTLY where are you placing Lovelady in order to have a shadow fall across HALF of his Body?

Either blocking PrayerPerson (=one reality-denying solution) or deep on the landing (=another)! 

These fools are not worth wasting any more time over, Mr Storing. The fake shadow down Mr Lovelady is the smoking gun that cannot be wished away! Thumb1:

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Those Front Steps
« Reply #1050 on: January 03, 2020, 12:01:29 PM »

Like an increasing number of people, I am in no doubt whatsoever that Mr Oswald was indeed on the front steps at the time of the shooting. The unearthing of the Hosty notes containing Mr Oswald's own claims about his movements prior to and at the time of the motorcade offered stunning confirmation that the Prayer Man people had gotten it right: no second-floor lunchroom encounter; Mr Oswald really did claim to have gone out to watch the P. parade; the suppression of his key claims shows that the authorities knew damn well the man's claimed alibi was veridical.

The argument going forward is no longer Was Mr Oswald in that entranceway? but Where exactly in that entranceway was Mr Oswald? I hope that smart researchers who may yet differ in their answer to that second question can come together and sort this thing out once and for all.

Outstanding Questions!

1. Why was a fake shadow put down Mr Lovelady's side in Wiegman?

2. Was Mr Kenneth DuVall really on the steps at the time?

3. Is this Mr Kenneth DuVall?:

If so, might his striking resemblance to Mr Oswald explain the fake shadow down Mr Lovelady?

4. Why does Mr Lovelady have a second head in Wiegman?

5. Who is PrayerPerson in Wiegman?

6. Is PrayerPerson in Wiegman the same person as PrayerPerson in Darnell?

7. Where exactly is Mr Bill Shelley standing at the time of the shots?

Some may prefer to waste their own time and that of others with discredited nonsense about Ms Sarah Stanton, etc., but anyone who cares about the central question of this case---------Where exactly was Mr Oswald at the time of the shooting?------------will wish to see the above questions answered!


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Those Front Steps
« Reply #1050 on: January 03, 2020, 12:01:29 PM »

Offline Peter Kleinschmidt

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Re: Those Front Steps
« Reply #1051 on: January 04, 2020, 02:56:49 AM »

How ignorant you pretend to be.

Several people saw a man in that window before, during and after the shooting.

Robert Hughes' film even caught movement in that window as the limousine was on Houston Street, approaching the Elm Street curve.


--  MWT  ;)

Open your eyes, he's standing right there. What do you want? Do you want him to raise his hand?  There are ways to redo it one last time for you and your special needs.

Hughes film caught movement? What movement? Oh, that's just Hughes moving the camera. Look at the street and look at the limo. Now tell me which one is moving, the street or the limo? That's right, the limo is and so is Hughes as he films.

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Those Front Steps
« Reply #1052 on: January 04, 2020, 03:33:00 AM »
Open your eyes, he's standing right there. What do you want? Do you want him to raise his hand?  There are ways to redo it one last time for you and your special needs.

Hughes film caught movement? What movement? Oh, that's just Hughes moving the camera. Look at the street and look at the limo. Now tell me which one is moving, the street or the limo? That's right, the limo is and so is Hughes as he films.

    The alleged "movement" in the window is Groden stuff.  It's possible that Groden was looking at a much better copy of the Hughes Film which did show "movement" in the window. Personally, on a monitor I do Not see this alleged movement.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Those Front Steps
« Reply #1052 on: January 04, 2020, 03:33:00 AM »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Those Front Steps
« Reply #1053 on: January 05, 2020, 01:23:41 AM »
The dynamic nature of the entryway while being filmed by an approaching moving vehicle. (SS reconstruction-Nov 1963 I believe.)
Best match for Wiegman's filming location in relationship to the entryway. imo
The trailing gentleman(beginning to step down) on the stairs should help with Lovelady's position in relationship to the railing.
The lower railing's vertical support post aligns with the back corner window frame.
Use James H.(I believe) panoramic animation(choose matching frame) for the vertical railing/back corner window frame alignment.

    Bump regarding limited space on landing and limited space between West Wall and Handrail

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Those Front Steps
« Reply #1054 on: January 05, 2020, 01:27:28 AM »
It looks like that distance is about 38” 29" from the wall. The renderings use a rule with 3” sections. I took a number of photos and measures of the doorway structures while in Dallas about 6 weeks ago. So, I may need to make some slight adjustments in the future. Tho Darnell overhead rendering in your post is not mine, but Andre Stancak's.

I also took photos of the doorway that may be of some help or interest in the future. All of those photos were taken while Daylight Savings Time was still in effect.
I hope this helps you.

    Bump regarding shadow vs Landing

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Those Front Steps
« Reply #1055 on: January 07, 2020, 11:11:58 PM »
It looks like that distance is about 38” 29" from the wall. The renderings use a rule with 3” sections. I took a number of photos and measures of the doorway structures while in Dallas about 6 weeks ago. So, I may need to make some slight adjustments in the future. Tho Darnell overhead rendering in your post is not mine, but Andre Stancak's.

I also took photos of the doorway that may be of some help or interest in the future. All of those photos were taken while Daylight Savings Time was still in effect.
I hope this helps you.

   Bump regarding the shadow extending from the TSBD West Wall onto the Landing. With the shadow extending LESS than 2.5 Feet from the wall across the landing, Lovelady would have to be able to literally touch the wall to have the wall's shadow engulf HALF of his body. The images we see do Not place Lovelady remotely close to the wall. PLUS, you have Prayer Person ALREADY on the Landing/close to the wall.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Those Front Steps
« Reply #1055 on: January 07, 2020, 11:11:58 PM »