Now! If I had to put money on this, I would say that Mr Oswald probably is not Prayer Man
in the Wiegman film. For the simple reason that his presence in that part of the doorway would not account for the lengths gone to to occlude his presence by putting a fake shadow down Mr Lovelady's side:

Were Mr Oswald PrayerManInWiegman, he would already be in deep shadow. No need for more shadow!
For this reason, I believe Mr Oswald
at the time of Wiegman is probably the figure just behind Mr Lovelady:

And PrayerManInWiegman is probably Mr Bill Shelley.
And... PrayerManInDarnell may
possibly be Mr Oswald.
If Mr Ken Duvall's
core claim----------that he was on the steps at the time of the shooting-------------is true, and
if my identification of him in the Hughes film is correct--------------

then his striking resemblance to Mr Oswald
may just explain what made the cover-up investigators antsy enough to alter the Wiegman film...
They thought they were looking at Mr Oswald.
If that were indeed the case, then we'd have an extraordinarily rich irony in play:
The misidentification of Mr Duvall as Mr Oswald ended up leaving the real Mr Oswald in the film!
The critical question at this point is:
is this Mr Ken Duvall?