Hey Jughead, YOU keep Forgetting that the landing in front of the TSBD is LESS than 4 Feet Deep. You got people stacked up back there like cordwood. And Ford has You by the short-n-curlies with his "outstretched arm" of Lovelady touching that West wall = No Room for Prayer Man. You ain't got the room/space on that landing for the regiment of folk you have knocking around back there. And of course there is the Black Guy at the bottom of the Steps that YOU have in line with Lovelady. That cartoon you continue to swear by is funnier than an Archie Comic Book
Hey Hey, A Trumo acolyte calling somebody a jughead. (You couldn't make it up!)
I haven't got anybody stacked up as it wasn't my original presentation. You said that to have Lovelady partially in shadow he would have to close to the wall. I showed that you were wrong. Not unusual for a Republican to be wrong, particularly about hoaxes

. But then, it's par for the course following your leader.