Neither Mr Lovelady nor Mr Shelley went far from those steps in the immediate aftermath of the assassination. Why did they lie after their initial truthful same-day statements? Why did they invent an excursion to the railroad yard? Because Mr Oswald didn't go far from those steps either!

Which reminds us of the fact--------------noted at the very start of this thread!----------------that in Mr Shelley's first on-the-record statement about Mr Oswald (11/22) and in Mr Lovelady's first on-the-record statement about Mr Oswald (11/22), there is a
weird avoidance of the very question that would have needed answering before all others:
Did you see Mr Oswald at the actual time the shooting happened?---------------

These documents are masterpieces of evasion! Neither Mr Shelley nor Mr Lovelady has
yet been brought to the point where they will agree to state in clear English something they know to be an out and out
lie-----------------that Mr Oswald was nowhere to be seen when Pres. Kennedy passed.
And pretty soon Captain Fritz will be threatening Mr Frazier--------another witness to Mr Oswald's presence on those front steps--------with a) violence, b) a charge of conspiracy in the assassination of Pres. Kennedy. Go figure!