Yes, interesting. In the image of the witnesses I couldn't see another light blue scarf, where in that line up is Westbrook? Hope you don't mind me asking.
*my asking
Sorry -- can't help flaunting my superior verbal intelligence ...
I think we get a hint of the light blue color of Westbrook's headscarf in Zapruder. (She's the tallish gal standing three people to the left of big, tall Gloria Calvery.) Either that, or her memory a few years ago was so messed up that she not only couldn't remember the color of her headscarf, but, as we can see, wasn't even wearing a coat while watching the motorcade.
Easy to do, I suppose, when you get your half-hour of fame with smilin' and noddin' Stephen Fagin of the world-famous Sixth Floor Museum.
And in front of cameras and a live, on-the-edge-of-their-seats audience, to boot!
-- MWT