No doubt in her mind.
The only reason we even know this is Gloria Calvery is because Karen Westbrook donated photos to the 6FM and identified Gloria Calvery in them.

Ponder that.
Yes, well, I suppose there IS a difference between recognizing a colleague from the front versus from behind, and at a significant distance from an elevated camera, and some fifty years after the fact, at that.
No wonder Westbrook got it all screwed up.
But I shouldn't be too harsh on her, I suppose.
After all, she
was wearing a (light blue?) headscarf during the motorcade (just like her three colleagues!), and the gal standing to the left of blue-headscarf-wearing Sharon Simmons by the Stemmons sign (Gloria Holt)
did have strawberry-blond hair that shone kinda reddish in the light of that late November sun and/or just came out looking that way (
but not nearly as red as Calvery's hair) in Zapruder's "color-saturated" film.
So there ARE those mitigating factors, aren't there.
-- MWT