Ruth’s talk is peppered with “I didn’t know then, but I later learned”.
Right. Learned from people spinning a narrative...
RP has gotten many of her ideas from popular legend.... and she's become a story teller. It's disgusting to hear her spin her tale.
There are many points I would like to debate with her but I doubt that will ever happen. At one point in her story she tells of going to the Oswald's apartment at 214 Neely. She said it was not long after the Walker incident, probably about two weeks . She said it was on a SaPersonay and when she arrived she found that Lee was preparing to leave town. He had all their luggage packed and was planning to call a taxi to take them to the bus station. He asked Ruth if she would take them to the bus station. Ruth said that she suggested that Marina could come and live with her and Lee could send for her when he had found a job and a place for them to live. The point is she said that Lee's luggage was a duffel bag and some other smaller pieces of luggage ( I know this from accounts I've read about this incident) the point is...Lee had no piece of luggage that was long enough to hold the 40 inch long carcano. So he couldn't have been toting that eight pound rifle ( which he had no use for) --------- Fast forward to September of 63---- Ruth had gone to New Orleans to once again interject herself into, and interfere with the Oswald's lives. She said that she talked Marina into going back to Dallas with her and Lee packed their belongings into her car.... In the video she says that he probably had the rifle in one of the duffel bags..... Really??? He had a 40 inch long rifle in a 34 inch long duffel bag??? I'd like to hear Ruth explain how he performed that feat.