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Author Topic: Ruth Paine QA 9/22 at Texas Theatre JFK assassination film premiere  (Read 26450 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Ruth Paine QA 9/22 at Texas Theatre JFK assassination film premiere
« Reply #96 on: October 31, 2019, 06:09:58 PM »

I highly recommend listening to Mr Cal Wheeler as he discusses Lee Oswald with RP .....Listen at the 52 + minute mark...  Bill  Chapman and Richard "Smith"  won't like what Cal Wheeler says....

Mr Wheeler says that he had a conversation with the attorney who visited with Lee Oswald in his jail cell at the DPD headquarters.  Wheeler said that the attorney found Lee Oswald to be intelligent, very polite and congenial.    Which is exactly what all of the officers who questioned Lee reported ...With the one exception, Of James Hosty, .....who said that Lee accused the FBI of using tactics like the soviets use.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ruth Paine QA 9/22 at Texas Theatre JFK assassination film premiere
« Reply #96 on: October 31, 2019, 06:09:58 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Ruth Paine QA 9/22 at Texas Theatre JFK assassination film premiere
« Reply #97 on: October 31, 2019, 06:49:21 PM »
maybe Oswald had the rifle disassembled and that is why Michael Paine felt what he thought were TWO tent poles?

that is possibly true, but I find it incredible that Mr.Paine moving a strangers duffel bag from his wife's car into his own house garage and feeling something solid like metal poles would not take a look see., but maybe the bag had a lock on it and so Mr Paine was unable to inspect the contents of the bag

Zeon, have you listened to RP on the video?     I'm not sure at what point on the vid she says that she visited the Oswald's on SaPersonay April 24 ( about two weeks after the Walker incident) She found Lee packed and ready to catch a cab to the bus depot to go to New Orleans.  She said that "they" ( The police) were still looking for whoever tried to kill Walker....   HOW    I repeat HOW could she have known that???....   

I think I know....  Recall that George De Morhenschildt had visited the Oswald during the wee hours of the morning of Sunday April 15.   I believe that the primary reason for that visit was because George wanted the rifle  ( the carcano) that he'd had Lee order from Kleins to be used as a "throw down" gun near Walker's house after the shot through the window.   De M wanted his property ( the carcano) before getting outta Dodge.   ( He was preparing to leave Dallas to avoid a possible "attempted murder charge because of the plot that he and Lee had cooked up to make it look like Lee had attempted to murder General Walker.)  George De M had told Mrs Volshiin a Russian woman who he knew was an FBI informant, was living in Dallas, that Lee Oswald was the scoundrel who had taken the pot shot at General Walker.  De M knew that it wouldn't be long before the FBI started tracking them down, and he wanted to be out of the country .   

At any rate .....The POINT is:..... Ruth Paine was active in keeping tabs on the White Russians living in Dallas.   My guess is Mrs Volshinin told her that Lee was the scoundrel who had shot at Walker ...Thus Ruth Paine who admitted that she spied on the Oswald's and reported her observations to the FBI, decided to pay the Oswald's a visit....And that's when she found them packed and ready to leave town.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Ruth Paine QA 9/22 at Texas Theatre JFK assassination film premiere
« Reply #98 on: October 31, 2019, 07:17:27 PM »
I just finished watching the video, this would have been an interesting event to attend, to listen to a participant to historical events and their experiences. The best question came at the end and I wish Ruth would have gone into more detail.

I believe hat there is much more to the tale ( hiding the note) than we know about....Lee had compiled the false dossier in the blue note book. He had intended for that binder to be seen by the police after they tracked him through the purchase of the unusual rifle ( carcano).   But the cops never found the carcano where Lee had left it for them to find.  Thus they never saw the blue binder....nor did they see the note that Marina had hidden away.   

We know that on the evening of 11/22/ 63 Marina apprised  Marguerite Oswald of Lee's involvement in the Walker hoax.   She told Marg that she still had a photo of Lee holding the rifle and the note that he had left for her on the evening of the Walker incident, which she had hid in a Russian book..   They were at Ruth Paines small house at the time, so there's little doubt that Ruth Paine heard the conversation and she knew about the note.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ruth Paine QA 9/22 at Texas Theatre JFK assassination film premiere
« Reply #98 on: October 31, 2019, 07:17:27 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Ruth Paine QA 9/22 at Texas Theatre JFK assassination film premiere
« Reply #99 on: October 31, 2019, 08:20:05 PM »
Notice at the 19:15 point RP is talking about Buell Frazier and asks if Buell Frazier is in the audience .... The camera focuses on Frazier immediately so apparently RP already knew that Buell was in attendance, but she pretends to be happy that he is there....  It's very obvious that Buell Frazier DOES NOT like RP.   He does not stand up nor does he smile.   

At the 50:42 point RP was asked if she saw any indication that Lee was dangerous...  She replied that she didn't think he was dangerous.....

And Cal Wheeler said that the ACLU attorney  H. Louis Nichols who visited Lee in the jail cell said that he found Lee to be very polite and congenial, and if it hadn't been for all the adverse publicity about Lee Oswald he would never ever had guessed that he was dangerous .
« Last Edit: October 31, 2019, 09:13:58 PM by Walt Cakebread »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Ruth Paine QA 9/22 at Texas Theatre JFK assassination film premiere
« Reply #100 on: November 01, 2019, 04:24:55 PM »
At the 50:42 point RP was asked if she saw any indication that Lee was dangerous...  She replied that she didn't think he was dangerous.....

And Cal Wheeler said that the ACLU attorney  H. Louis Nichols who visited Lee in the jail cell said that he found Lee to be very polite and congenial, and if it hadn't been for all the adverse publicity about Lee Oswald he would never ever had guessed that he was dangerous .

There are so many points in RP's tale that I'd like to debate with her.......

Early in the children's Story Time ...... She said that the air was full of talk about assassination and the air of danger for the President permeated the atmosphere ( Not her exact words)   But the point is .....She's spewing nonsense.    One glance at the photos of the crowds lining the streets of Dallas refutes her statement.  If there was danger in the air.....The secret Service would have had the bubble top on the Lincoln....   

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ruth Paine QA 9/22 at Texas Theatre JFK assassination film premiere
« Reply #100 on: November 01, 2019, 04:24:55 PM »

Offline Robert Doane

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Re: Ruth Paine QA 9/22 at Texas Theatre JFK assassination film premiere
« Reply #101 on: November 01, 2019, 09:19:17 PM »
I just figured out the two videos were edited differently, the one I watched the last question to Ruth was concerning Michael and his employment with Bell. Ruth talked about that but really didn't answer that question how this employment fit with the type of person that Michael was. I'm just starting up the first video.

Ruth said she didn't believe Lee was dangerous at the time, Michael Paine in his 2013 manuscript wrote Lee at one time stated change could only come through violence and he didn't doubt Lee could kill someone. He also wrote Lee said Kennedy was the best President in his lifetime.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2019, 09:48:49 PM by Robert Doane »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ruth Paine QA 9/22 at Texas Theatre JFK assassination film premiere
« Reply #101 on: November 01, 2019, 09:19:17 PM »