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Author Topic: Ruth Paine QA 9/22 at Texas Theatre JFK assassination film premiere  (Read 26520 times)

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Ruth Paine QA 9/22 at Texas Theatre JFK assassination film premiere
« Reply #40 on: September 26, 2019, 07:53:49 PM »
So again long winded deflections but no explanation for why Oswald (or anyone in the Paine household if you prefer) would leave a note in Russian explaining what to do if they were arrested or killed.  Not even an attempt. 
Because it is stupid. You make the stupidest posts on the internet. Re-read it. What to do if THEY are arrested...Who is they? The Paines? Go back and fix it. Or better yet, just post some pictures of the kids and let it go.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ruth Paine QA 9/22 at Texas Theatre JFK assassination film premiere
« Reply #40 on: September 26, 2019, 07:53:49 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Ruth Paine QA 9/22 at Texas Theatre JFK assassination film premiere
« Reply #41 on: September 26, 2019, 08:46:53 PM »
Do you think Ruth Paine believed that she might be arrested or killed for baking brownies?  And she would write a note in Russian explaining what to do in that contingency?  Who in that small household meets the criteria contained in the note?

How the hell should I know?  You're the one around here who makes up stories and calls it evidence.  There is just as much evidence (ie. none) that George deMohrenschildt was the one who wrote the note or took a shot at Walker.

  Did Paine or Marina, for example, have personal papers from the "military" that they did not want thrown out?  Just ignore and revert back to the lazy argument that it is not a signed confession (which wouldn't satisfy the contrarian either since he doesn't accept handwriting analysis as evidence unless it comes from John Wilkes Booth in which case it proves his guilt).

Wrong again, Strawman "Smith".  There was no handwriting "analysis" in the Booth case.

Round and round.  It never ends.   Then there is additional evidence such as the photo of Walker's home.

Evidence of what?  Aggravated picture taking?

  But there is somehow doubt because it is not signed and dated by the assassin?  Wow.  I hope that if I ever commit a serious crime that a rube like this is on the jury.

You better certainly hope that if you are ever accused of a crime, you won't end up with a jury of rubes like yourself who are convinced by lame arguments like "where's your alternative narrative?"

Bottom line:  There were three adults who resided in the Paine residence where the note was found.

Wrong again, Strawman "Smith".  The alleged "Walker" note (that doesn't mention Walker) was allegedly found by the secret service when they had Marina holed up at Six Flags.

  So which of these three had cause to believe they would be killed or arrested and need to provide instructions for someone else via a note written in Russian?  Which of these three had a post office box?  Which of these three had cause to tell the person left behind to seek assistance at an "Embassy"?  What type of event would precipitate information being included in "newspaper clippings"?  Who was paying "house rent"?  Who had personal papers from the "military"?  The note was found in a book belonging to the Oswalds from Paine's residence.  It is written in Russian.  LHO is the only person in that household who meets all the criteria contained in the note.  There is zero doubt that he wrote it unless you are suggesting it is an outright fake for the purpose of framing him (i.e. product of a conspiracy).  And once you accept the obvious conclusion that LHO was the author of the note it begs the question as to what event he was contemplating in advance that might lead to his arrest or death that would be reported in the newspaper.  Think real hard and I bet you can come up with one.

Is any of this rambling, inaccurate diatribe supposed to prove that Oswald took a shot at Walker, or is that an exercise left to the reader?

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Ruth Paine QA 9/22 at Texas Theatre JFK assassination film premiere
« Reply #42 on: September 26, 2019, 09:54:26 PM »
So again long winded deflections but no explanation for why Oswald (or anyone in the Paine household if you prefer) would leave a note in Russian explaining what to do if they were arrested or killed.  Not even an attempt.  Here we have someone questioning a note found in a book in the Paine residence.  Not just some random note found on Mt. Everest.  Written in Russian and explaining what to do in the event this person was killed or arrested.  We also have Marina's testimony that Oswald TOLD her that he fired the shot at Walker and the note was left by him.  This was a small household.  Do you think Ruth Paine believed that she might be arrested or killed for baking brownies?  And she would write a note in Russian explaining what to do in that contingency?  Who in that small household meets the criteria contained in the note?  Did Paine or Marina, for example, have personal papers from the "military" that they did not want thrown out?  Just ignore and revert back to the lazy argument that it is not a signed confession (which wouldn't satisfy the contrarian either since he doesn't accept handwriting analysis as evidence unless it comes from John Wilkes Booth in which case it proves his guilt).  Round and round.  It never ends.   Then there is additional evidence such as the photo of Walker's home.  But there is somehow doubt because it is not signed and dated by the assassin?  Wow.  I hope that if I ever commit a serious crime that a rube like this is on the jury.  Imagine the lunacy of suggesting that Oswald must have signed, dated, and specifically referenced shooting Walker to link the note to that event.  The only thing left out is having it notarized by the Pope.  That's an embarrassing and intellectually dishonest line of argument. 

Bottom line:  There were three adults who resided in the Paine residence where the note was found.  So which of these three had cause to believe they would be killed or arrested and need to provide instructions for someone else via a note written in Russian?  Which of these three had a post office box?  Which of these three had cause to tell the person left behind to seek assistance at an "Embassy"?  What type of event would precipitate information being included in "newspaper clippings"?  Who was paying "house rent"?  Who had personal papers from the "military"?  The note was found in a book belonging to the Oswalds from Paine's residence.  It is written in Russian.  LHO is the only person in that household who meets all the criteria contained in the note.  There is zero doubt that he wrote it unless you are suggesting it is an outright fake for the purpose of framing him (i.e. product of a conspiracy).  And once you accept the obvious conclusion that LHO was the author of the note it begs the question as to what event he was contemplating in advance that might lead to his arrest or death that would be reported in the newspaper.  Think real hard and I bet you can come up with one.

 no explanation for why Oswald (or anyone in the Paine household if you prefer) would leave a note in Russian explaining what to do if they were arrested or

Lee intended for that note to alarm Marina who he thought would call Ruth Paine ( who spoke Russian) who in turn would call the police.

Marina was the unwitting trip trigger for the plot ( The hoax at Walker's)   Unfortunately, Marina fell asleep, so she never found that note until just minutes before Lee returned to the apartment at about 11:00 pm.   

Had Marina found the note earlier the police would have put two plus two together and deduced that the call from the distraught wife was probably connected to the shooting at the Walker residence.....and they would have set off in pursuit of Lee Oswald.     And that's exactly what Lee Oswald and De Morhenschildt had hoped would happen.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ruth Paine QA 9/22 at Texas Theatre JFK assassination film premiere
« Reply #42 on: September 26, 2019, 09:54:26 PM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Ruth Paine QA 9/22 at Texas Theatre JFK assassination film premiere
« Reply #43 on: September 27, 2019, 12:18:48 AM »

Oswald also had a photo of Walker's home

Actually Otto, Oswald's camera you know the same camera that took the backyard photos took more than one photo, in the following photo Walker testified that what we can see in Oswald's photo was the entrance to Walker's back yard, why would Oswald need a photo of Walker's back yard entrance??

Mr. LIEBELER. I show you a photograph marked Commission Exhibit No. 2 and ask you if you recognize the scene in that picture?
General WALKER. Yes; I identify this picture looking approximately south down the alley, taken from about the entrance of where the alley enters the church, a few steps short of where the alley enters the church parking area. It is facing approximately south. Shows the back entrance to my back yard and the tree and my garbage can and the lattice fence on the west.

Oswald also had a photo of the rear of Walker's residence which showed the window which the bullet was fired through, why would Oswald need to have a photo of the rear of Walker's house?

Mr. LIEBELER. Now, you indicate that to the very far left of this photograph, Commission Exhibit No. 5, through these bushes there is a window, and that is the window through which the shot was fired, is that correct?
General WALKER. That is correct.
Mr. LIEBELER. That is the window immediately left of the gasmeter there as you look at the picture?
General WALKER. That is correct.
Mr. LIEBELER. You don't have any doubt that that is the back of your house?
General WALKER. None at all. That is the back of the house.

And guess what Otto, we're not finished yet, what is absolutely devastating to Oswald's innocence is the date that Oswald's camera took the photos was defined to be over a weekend about 4 weeks before the shot was taken at Walker, which coincidentally was about the same time which Oswald received his Italian Carcano. Oops!

The third photograph identified by Marina Oswald depicts the entrance to General Walker's driveway from a back alley.720 Also seen in the picture is the fence on which Walker's assailant apparently rested the rifle.721 An examination of certain construction work appearing in the background of this photograph revealed that the picture was taken between March 8 and 12, 1963, and most probably on either March 9 or March 10.722 Oswald purchased the money order for the rifle on March 12, the rifle was shipped on March 20,728 and the shooting occurred on April 10. A photography expert with the FBI was able to determine that, this picture was taken with the Imperial Reflex camera owned by Lee Harvey Oswald.724 (See app. X, p. 596.)


« Last Edit: September 27, 2019, 12:44:17 AM by John Mytton »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: Ruth Paine QA 9/22 at Texas Theatre JFK assassination film premiere
« Reply #44 on: September 27, 2019, 01:00:34 AM »
Actually Otto, Oswald's camera you know the same camera that took the backyard photos took more than one photo, in the following photo Walker testified that what we can see in Oswald's photo was the entrance to Walker's back yard, why would Oswald need a photo of Walker's back yard entrance??


You really need to work on your overabundance of shallowness!
Thornley mentor, Clint Bolton had worked for AP in India, Core and Baldwin, India, the two men associated with Core's wife, Pearson and Rosenfield= India.

Approved For Release %W/PB/3%$CIA-RDP70-00058ROO01001 WASTUNCIldft STAX M MNJMTs in India NEW DELHI. India, Sept. 13 ).'1').-A11en W. Dulles ...

Consider the hosts' names (later, Edwin Walker's landlord), Mr. Core's name,  and the address:

Kerry Thornley's NOLA grand jury  testimony..."Clint" is Thornley's mentor, Clint Bolton:

Kerry Thornley:

Harold Weissberg:

….and more:
« Last Edit: September 27, 2019, 01:07:09 AM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ruth Paine QA 9/22 at Texas Theatre JFK assassination film premiere
« Reply #44 on: September 27, 2019, 01:00:34 AM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Ruth Paine QA 9/22 at Texas Theatre JFK assassination film premiere
« Reply #45 on: September 27, 2019, 01:09:48 AM »
You really need to work on your overabundance of shallowness!
Thornley mentor, Clint Bolton had worked for AP in India, Core and Baldwin, India, the two men associated with Core's wife, Pearson and Rosenfield= India.

And you Tom, really need to work on your presentation because the following abortion is a complete embarrassment! Have a nice day.


Offline Tom Scully

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Re: Ruth Paine QA 9/22 at Texas Theatre JFK assassination film premiere
« Reply #46 on: September 27, 2019, 01:14:37 AM »
Except, you haven't the foggiest why CIA buds and fellow WWII fighter pilots, Baldwin and Core, successive Shaw PR flack hires, were
telling Shaw one thing and Garrison, the exact opposite!

Man of a Million Fragments: The True Story of Clay Shaw (Paperback)
by Donald H. Carpenter
Page 156 –

DiEugenio and Mellen have it wrong. Garrison deceived Mellen and Sklar. I have presented the proof meticulously supporting that conclusion, multiple times.

Baldwin was warning Shaw his prosecution by Garrison was a secret family matter of the Baldwin Ziegler Garrison Lemann family.
Baldwin's CIA buddy, Jesse Core (both hired by Shaw) was urging the opposite...telling Garrison through Willard  Robertson, to go on the offensive
against Shaw at the same time Baldwin was advising Shaw of his family ties to Garrison's wife.:

June 30, 1967:

….and there were three CIA officers in the NOLA domestic contacts office. One was Dorothy Brandao. She went to college in Garrison's home town, Des Moines.
She married once, in 1939, later divorcing. :

This is her husband John Miceli's brother, teamed with former Garrison law partner/mentor.:
STANDARD FRUIT and STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Appellant, v. … Deutsch, Kerrigan Stiles, New Orleans, La., Eberhard P. Deutsch, Augusto P. Miceli,…..
Tom S. 2016/06/06 at 10:45 pm
Beyond the T&C connections to INCA represented by Robertson, Shilstone and Rault, there is at least one other likely connection. In reporting the formation of T&C, James and Wardlaw mention a few additional members, namely Eberhard Deutsch,…. (33) The name of Deutsch jumps out of that list, since he is an attorney whose name appears on the letterhead of the Directors of INCA. (34) Deutsch has been described by Scott… as the General Counsel of Standard Fruit and as “Jim Garrison’s former law partner and political mentor.” (35)..
« Last Edit: September 27, 2019, 02:00:40 AM by Tom Scully »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: Ruth Paine QA 9/22 at Texas Theatre JFK assassination film premiere
« Reply #47 on: September 27, 2019, 01:33:12 AM »
April 10, 1963: Oswald tries to shoot General. Walker
Tom Scully   April 11, 2014 at 1:51 pm

Mr. McAdams particularly, as well as others who practice such vigorous political partisanship cannot have it both ways. They cannot assert as if it was proven fact Oswald shot at Edwin Walker and the DeMohrenschildts soon met with Oswald and left him and Dallas with awareness of his crime and not demand a frank public accounting today from living persons of their knowledge of what happened just days later. DeMohrenschiltd arrived in New York City and on April 25 met along with Clemard Charles, a CIA associate, Thomas J. Devine. CIA documents inform that after the first meeting DeMohrenschildt was clearly the priority of interest of Devine and his CIA superior, C. Frank Stone III. Three subsequent meetings or encounters between DeMohrenschildt and Devine were described in CIA documents by May 19,1963. Last fall I discovered Devine had attended Rochester, NY area Allendale-Columbia school from grades K-12 and that his father Adrian was that school board’s chairman. There were 20 in Devine’s class and newspapers of the time reported that Peter Dryer was one of them. When I questioned Joan Mellen about this, she shared that Dryer’s brother Joseph told her that Devine had been his best friend in Rochester. I documented it here.:,10424.msg303387.html#msg303387
This same individual, Joseph F. Dryer, Jr. also met with DeMohrenschildt and Charles on April 25, the same days as the pair’s first meeting with the Thomas J.Devine. It would seem consistent for Mr. McAams to use his pulpit and any other influence he could exert to call for Mr. Bush to ask Devine and Joseph Dryer what the two friends discussed with DeMohrenschildt on April 25, 1963, so soon after DeMohrenschildt allegedly learned of Oswald’s alleged crime against Walker. Especially if I held McAdams’s convictions of Oswald’s guilt and DeMohrenschildt’s knowledge, I would thirst for an accounting from Devine and Dryer in order to be able to judge whether the timing of these two Rochester friends was simply an amazing coincidence or co-ordinated and for what reasons, and whether DeMohrenschildt spoke to either of Oswald or of Walker. Devine and Dryer need to explain what they communicated about those meetings, following the JFK assassination, and to whom they communicated it to.

The China Diary of George H. W. Bush: The Making of a Global ... › books
Jeffrey A. Engel - 2011 - ‎History
Bemis, Lias and Devine had a meeting regarding my political future—very thoughtful of them.5 All I know now is to do the best job one can here. There is no ...

Billy Joe Lord describes "Bemis" to President Carter:


Henry Hurt, fresh outta Kennebunkport, Pop. 3,000, summer home of Bush 'n Bemiss, marrying Bemiss's cousin, Freeport Sulphur President, Langbourne Williams's

Busy "Loan Nut" backstory? Did DeMohrenschildt inform Devine, in NYC, just two weeks after the Walker shooting, of anything related to his and his wife's
knowledge of Oswald and his rifle?

Support for my acquaintance with author Joan Mellen, credits page of her book, "Our Man in Haiti":

Clumsy CIA "insertion" of Dryer, Jr. by Cogswell's aunt.:

Cogswell was associated with Veciana and fellow Scarsdale, NY resident and Phillips Exeter schoolmate, Richard Ober.
Page 1: Ober's brother's wedding.:
Page 2:

Cogswell was involved in anti Castro fundraising with Empire Trust's Dean Mathey "wunderkind" Leslie Rice. Mathey, Empire president Henry Brunie, best man of John McCloy, played tennis together.

Interlock: Art, Conspiracy, and the Shadow Worlds of Mark Lombardi
By Patricia Goldstone   LINK

« Last Edit: September 27, 2019, 02:29:36 AM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ruth Paine QA 9/22 at Texas Theatre JFK assassination film premiere
« Reply #47 on: September 27, 2019, 01:33:12 AM »